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RO: Saptamana aceata, pe data de 30 Iulie, am avut placerea de a primi la sediul nostru vizita domnului Alexandre Navarro, Secretar General al Comisiei Nationale Franceze pentru UNESCO. In cadrul intalnirii am aflat mai multe informatii despre activitatea desfasurata de fiecare dintre intitutiile noastre si structura acestora. De asemenea, am pus bazele celei de […]


Saptamana aceata, pe data de 30 Iulie, am avut placerea de a primi la sediul nostru vizita domnului Alexandre Navarro, Secretar General al Comisiei Nationale Franceze pentru UNESCO. In cadrul intalnirii am aflat mai multe informatii despre activitatea desfasurata de fiecare dintre intitutiile noastre si structura acestora. De asemenea, am pus bazele celei de a II-a editii a unui proiect emblema al Clubului Alumnus pentru UNESCO in colaborare cu cele doua comisii nationale, numit FUTURE FOLK, care se va desfasura in toamna la primaria arondismentului 1 din Paris, in perioada 1-10 Octombrie.

In cadrul mesei rotunde la care au participat reprezentati Alumnus Club si ai CNR UNESCO, am stabilit si cadrul realizarii unui parteneriat intre Comisia Nationala a Romaniei si Comisia Nationala Franceza. Pentru viitoare detalii, va invitam sa ne ramaneti aproape!



This week, on the 30th of July, we were delighted to receive the visit of Mr. Alexandre Navarro, Secretary – General of the French National Commission for UNESCO, at our headquarters! We learned more about the work each of our institutions do an how they are structured.

Moreover, we laid the foundation for a beautiful project – FUTURE FOLK, which is due in autumn and it is coordinated by the Alumnus Club for UNESCO in colaboration with the two commissions.

During the round table, we also set the frameworek for a future partnership between the Romanian National Commission and the French National Comission for UNESCO.

For further information about the project, stay tuned!


Alumnus Club is an organization created in the year 2000, that gathers for more than a decade and a half members from 10 countries.
Alumnus Club is part of the Romanian federation of UNESCO Associations and Clubs, and implicitly of the World and European Federations for UNESCO. The club is formed mainly by young students, and its aim is to offer its members the opportunity to get involved in projects aimed at developing their experience in the selected field of study.
Through its UNESCO affiliation, the Alumnus Club has access to an important network of information regarding the activities developed in domains such as education, science, culture and communication.
The main purpose of the organization is that of training young people in a multicultural manner, through projects that aim at involving them in activities that encourage their personal initiative and experience gaining.
In 20 years of activity, Alumnus Club has offered its members and the participants in its events the occasion to engage in educational, scientific, cultural and communication projects.
Below, you may find a non exhaustive list of annual events: Metamorphoses, Youth and Museums, Art and Civilization in Monastic Spaces, Magellan and the new project developed under the auspices of the Alliance of Civilizations: Bucharest retrieved, the concerts of the National Chamber Choir Madrigal.

ALUMNUS Club a fost fondat in anul 2000 si este format din tineri de pe cuprinsul a 10 tari.
Clubul Alumnus face parte din Federatia Romana a Asociatiilor si Cluburilor pentru UNESCO.
Clubul doreste sa ofere membrilor sai oportunitati de a se implica in proiecte educationale, stiintifice, culturale si de comunicare.
ALUMNUS Club isi propune sa ii pregateasca pe tineri intr-un spirit multicultural si sa ii implice in activitati ce le vin in ajutorul dezvoltarii personale si profesionale.