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« Cea de-a treia editie a Festivalului « La Nuit des Voyages aux bouts des Arts et des Mondes », festival al Artelor si al Interculturalitatii creat in anul 2007, organizat de catre asociatia « Arte-Lumi-Culturi » (Laura Petrache si Yannick Le Guern) si sustinut de catre « Institutul Intercultural Akt as 1 » se […]

« Cea de-a treia editie a Festivalului « La Nuit des Voyages aux bouts des Arts et des Mondes », festival al Artelor si al Interculturalitatii creat in anul 2007, organizat de catre asociatia « Arte-Lumi-Culturi » (Laura Petrache si Yannick Le Guern) si sustinut de catre « Institutul Intercultural Akt as 1 » se va derula in Pantin –micul Brooklyn – districtul 21, 在 21 mai-14 iunie.
Festivalul are acest an ca tematica « universul (re)innoirii » (UNI(S)VERS LE RENOUVEAU) si are onoarea de a fi sustinut de catre Comisia Nationala Romana pentru UNESCO, Comisia Nationala Franceza pentru UNESCO, Mona Bismarck American Center si Municipalitatea orasului Pantin.
Obiectivele festivalului :* Promovarea valorilor cetatenesti de solidaridate, libertate, transmistere culturala, de constructie a unui soclu comun societal in cadrul valorilor republicane.
* Stabilirea sinergiilor si legaturilor intre populatiile cartierelor orasului gazda si a tuturor categoriilor socio-profesionale sau culturale, prin productia colectiva a operelor de arta : zidurile (re)innoirii.
* Promovarea relatiilor interculturale ale celor trei tari invitate de onoare ale acestei editii : 罗马尼亚, 法国, Statele Unite si prezentarea artististilor contemporani ai acestor tari. »HTTP://


“The 3rd edition of ” The Night of the Voyage at the end of the Arts and the Worlds “, festival of Arts and Interculturality created in 2007, and organized by the Association “ Arts-Worlds-Cultures” (Laura Petrache and Yannick Le Guern) will take place from May 21st until June 14th in Pantin, the small Brooklyn – 21th district-France.
The festival has, this year, for theme: ” United towards Renewal” and is placed under the patronage of the French National Commission for UNESCO, of the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO, the Mona Bismarck American Center and benefits from the support of Pantin City.
The objectives of the festival:
* Promote the values of citizenship, solidarity, transmission, live together and especially build together in a common frame, that of the republican values.
* Gather and create links between the populations of all the districts and any socio-professional or cultural category in a common event and in a production of collectives-common works: the walls of renewal.
* Create intercultural links and synergies, this year between 3 guest countries: the Romanian, French and American cultures.
This festival joins completely the values and the philosophy of the UNESCO which allow to improve human relationships on a daily basis, the humanist reflection on the evolution of the world. The « Nuit des arts et des mondes »Festival is an intercultural exposition of living cultural heritage. Free to the public, each Festival typically draws hundreds of thousands of visitors.
Initiated in 2007, the Festival has become a national model of a research-based presentation of contemporary living cultural and intercultural traditions. Over the years, it has brought thousands of musicians, 艺术家, performers, craftspeople, workers, cooks, storytellers, and others in order to demonstrate the skills, knowledge, and aesthetics that embody the creative vitality of community-based traditions and languages.
Usually divided into programs featuring a nation, region, state, or theme, the Festival has featured exemplary tradition bearers from more than 25 nations…The Festival generally includes daily and evening programs of music, song, dance, celebratory performance, crafts and cooking demonstrations, storytelling, illustrations of workers’ culture, and narrative sessions for discussing cultural issues.The Festival is an exercise in cultural democracy, in which cultural practitioners speak for themselves, with each other, and to the public. The Festival encourages visitors to participate—to learn, sing, dance, eat traditional foods, and converse with people presented in the Festival program.
« La 3ème édition de « La Nuit des Voyages aux bouts des Arts et des Mondes », festival des Arts et de l’Interculturalité créé en 2007, et portée par l’Association Arts-Mondes-Cultures (Laura Petrache et Yannick Le Guern), se déroulera du 21 mai au 14 juin à Pantin dans le petit Brooklyn – 21ème district. Le festival a, cette année, pour thème : « UNI(S)VERS LE RENOUVEAU ».
Il est placé sous le patronage de la Commission Nationale Française pour l’UNESCO, de la Commission Nationale Roumaine pour l’UNESCO, du Mona Bismarck American Center et bénéficie du soutien de la Ville de Pantin.
Les objectifs du festival:
* Promouvoir les valeurs de citoyenneté, solidarité, transmission, le vivre et surtout le construire ensemble dans un cadre commun, celui des valeurs républicaines.
* Rassembler et créer des liens entre les populations de tous les quartiers et de toute catégorie socio professionnelle ou culturelle dans un événement commun et dans la production d’oeuvres collectives-communes : les murs de renouveau.
* Faire des liens interculturels, cette année entre les cultures Roumaines, Françaises et Américaines et faire découvrir des artistes contemporains de ces 3 国家. »

什么是 校友 ?

校友会是当年创建的组织 2000, that gathers for more than a decade and a half members from 10 国家.
校友俱乐部是联合国教科文组织协会和俱乐部罗马尼亚联合会的一部分, and implicitly of the World and European Federations for UNESCO. The club is formed mainly by young students, 其目的是提供其成员有机会涉足旨在发展研究选定字段的体验项目.
通过其联合国教科文组织联系, 该校友俱乐部访问的有关活动的信息领域,如教育发展的重要的网络, 科学, 文化和传播.
该组织的主要目的是培养年轻人在一个多元文化的方式, through projects that aim at involving them in activities that encourage their personal initiative and experience gaining.
在 20 年活动, 校友会为其会员和活动参与者提供了参与教育的机会, 科学, 文化和通信项目.
下面, 你可能会发现每年一度的盛事的不完全清单: 变形记, 青年和博物馆, 文化艺术修道院空间, 麦哲伦和不同文明联盟的主持下开发的新项目: 布加勒斯特检索, 全国室内合唱情歌的演唱会.

校友俱乐部成立于 2000 而由年轻人跨越 10 国家.
该俱乐部希望提供给参与教育项目及其成员的机会, 科学的, 文化和通信.
ALUMNUS Club 旨在培养具有多元文化精神的年轻人,并让他们参与有助于他们个人和职业发展的活动.