Autor: Maria Sarbu 16 Sep 2013 – 00:39 În cadrul Festivalului “George Enescu” are loc astăzi un moment aniversar: “Madrigal 50”. Astfel, la Ateneul Român, începând cu ora 16:30, Corul Naţional de Cameră Madrigal va susţine un concert sub bagheta dirijorului Voicu Popescu. Este şi un prilej ca preşedinta Federaţiei Europene a Cluburilor UNESCO, Daniela […]
Intercultural dialogue initiative proposed by Romania could be used by UNESCO By Business Review The international conference “Global Ethics: Save the Planet Earth” was held in Astana (Kazakhstan) between August 22-23, where Romania had an initiative in the field of young people’s being involved in the intercultural dialogue which UNESCO might implement worldwide. During the […]
Save the Planet Earth By Bektur Kadyrov, Gulyaim TULESHEVA Yesterday the International Forum opened in Astana dedicated to the International Decade for Rapprochement of Cultures for 2013-2022. A conference «Global Ethics: save the planet Earth» opened the forum, organized by Kazakhstan National Commission for UNESCO and ISESCO, the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centers and […]