欧洲联盟中期的版III国会 协会, 中心和俱乐部教科文组织 (EFUCA)
“欧洲文化遗产 - 邀请对话与合作”
布加勒斯特 – GOLESTI – 特尔戈维什特
之间 28 六月 - 1 七月 2018 它举行的欧洲协会联合会中期的的III大会, 中心和俱乐部教科文组织 (EFUCA), 由欧洲联盟主办, 罗马尼亚协会联合会, 中心和俱乐部为教科文组织及其校友俱乐部, 与树和葡萄博物馆Golesti合作, 罗马尼亚联合国教科文组织全国委员会和文化中心联合国教科文组织“浪漫之城”.
文化遗产的欧洲年的目的是鼓励更多的人去发现和欣赏欧洲的文化遗产和加强属于一个共同的欧洲区域的感. 遗产年是我们的口号: 在过去和未来的交汇.
这个版本, 主题为“下举行欧洲文化遗产 - 邀请对话与合作“是江湖第一版 欧洲联盟的临时国会, 展开在罗马尼亚三个城市:
1. 布加勒斯特 – 该III国会Intermeiar EFUCA正式开通在全国村博物馆迪米特里·古斯蒂举行, 在此期间,代表校友俱乐部联合国教科文组织提出了他们的最新项目 – 德兴时尚前卫的展览未来FOLK
2. Golesti – Muzeul Viticulturii și Pomiculturii Golești – 工作会议 – 演讲和辩论
3. Targoviste以 – 浪漫市博物馆特尔戈维什特 – 在罗马尼亚这个独特的博物馆, 赞助下FEACU提出的音乐风格ROMANTA, 和参与者可以听辉煌câtăreţeMavrodin阿丽娜Vasiliu的演唱会 – 浪漫姐妹
与会者还参观了皇家法院在特尔戈维什特, 印刷和Dealu修道院和星星的博物馆
在出席了大会 30 从代表 11 舞蹈 - 白俄罗斯, 保加利亚, 塞浦路斯, 法国, 希腊, 意大利, 摩尔达维亚, 罗马尼亚, 俄国, 塞尔维亚和英国.
欧洲协会联合会中期的的III国会, 中心和俱乐部为教科文组织文化遗产的欧洲年的主持下举行 2018.
The arrival of participants at the 3rd Intermediate Congress of the European Federation for UNESCO Clubs, Centers, and Associations (EFUCAstarted on June 28, 2018 in the morning of 28.06.2018.
The reception of the first participants was made by Dr. Daniela Popescu – President of EFUCA at the National Commission of Romania for UNESCO starting at 11.00 o’clock.
The opening ceremony of the 3RD Intermediate EFUCA Congress took place, starting at 16.30, at the National Museum of Village in the space dedicated to the FUTURE FOLK exhibition.
Representatives of Bulgaria, 塞浦路斯, 法国, 意大利, 摩尔达维亚, 罗马尼亚, Russia, and Serbia took part at this event, as well as representatives of:
- The Romanian Federation for UNESCO Clubs, 中心和协会 (FRACCU) – Virginia MEHEȘ, President
- ALUMNUS CLUB for UNESCO - 米哈埃拉·瓦尔加, Vice-president
The opening of the works of the 3RD Intermediate Congress of the European Federation was made by Mrs. 丹尼尔·波佩斯库 – President of EFUCA, who in her speech introduced the first two editions of the Intermediate Congress and their themes, while at the same time expressing gratitude to the previous Organisers. At the same time Mrs. Daniela Popescu mentioned that this Intermediate Congress was to be an itinerant event that would take place in three cities in Romania (布加勒斯特, Golesti, 特尔戈维什特) and enjoying the support of the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO, the Romanian Federation for UNESCO Clubs, 中心和协会 (FRACCU), the ALUMNUS Club Association for UNESCO and the Golesti Viticulture and Tree Growing Museum, 阿尔杰什, the host of the event.
The opening remarks were made by:
- Marina Christophides – Executive Secretary of the European Federation (EFUCA)
- Laura Cennini – Secretary of the Italian Federation of Clubs and Centres for UNESCO
- 玛丽埃塔Bantchev – President of the UNESCO Community Association – Paris (UCA) In their speeches, the participants underlined the importance of the 3rd EFUCA Intermediate Congress, thanking both the organisers and all those present at this event.
After that the most recent ALUMNUS Club for UNESCO project was presented:
“Future Folk and the Magic of Regenerating Ancient Traditions through Contemporary Design The avant-garde fashion exhibition FUTURE FOLK a project developed under the patronage of EFUCA and the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO. All participants in the 3RD EFUCA Intermediate Congress received the FUTURE FOLK catalogue.
The description of the project and the stages of its implementation were made by:
- 丹尼尔·波佩斯库 – President of the Alumnus Club for UNESCO
- Rodica Precupeţu – Project Manager, Alumnus Club for UNESCO It was mentioned that the project is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great Union and is part of the programmes under the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018- “Our Patrimony: where the past meets the future”.
Mrs. 米哈埃拉瓦尔加 – Secretary Genera of the Romanian Federation for UNESCO Clubs, 中心和协会 (FRACCU); Vice President of the Alumnus Club for UNESCO, made a brief presentation of the clothing collection from her perspective as an art critic. Using current materials and techniques, from silk to neoprene to embroidery and hand painting, Carmen Emanuela Popa the designer and Ph.D. student at the National University of Arts in Bucharest, created an original and avant-garde cultural product that brought to life the diversity of the costumes and the motifs of the traditional wear of Romanians and minorities in Romania.
The participants at the opening of the 3RD Intermediate Congress could visit this avant-garde exhibition, the group photo taking place in the middle of the exhibits.
At 18.00, a welcome cocktail offered by the organizers took place.
At 19.00 the participants were transferred to Pitesti, as well checked-in at Hotel Victoria, Pitesti.
BUCHAREST, 未来FOLK, 28 June 2018
On June 29日, 2018 , the 3th Intermediate Congress of EFUCA – “The European Cultural Heritage – an Invitation to Dialogue and Collaboration” took place in the Golesti Museum Park, and was moderated by: Marina Christophides – Executive Secretary of EFUCA and Rodica Precupețu – Project Manager, Alumnus Club for UNESCO.
The following works were introduced: – Darya Auchynnikava - 白俄罗斯, Research Fellow, the Exhibition Department of the National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus, Belarusian Association of UNESCO Clubs - “Experience in the National Historical Museum of Belarus”; – Eduard Geshev – 保加利亚, member of the Executive Board of European Federation of UNESCO Clubs, 中心和协会 Honorary President of National Scientific Expeditions Club UNESCO and Kristian Kalchev – President of the Executive Board of National Scientific Expeditions Club UNESCO – “The European Cultural Heritage – An Invitation to Dialogue and Collaboration” – Marina Christophides - 塞浦路斯, Secretary of European Federation of UNESCO Clubs, 中心和协会, Vice- President of Cyprus Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations –“UNESCO Cultural Heritage in Cyprus, Diversity and Tradition” – Dominique Melhaoui - 法国, the French Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres, Associations and Territories –„How to attract young audiences in museums?“ – Ioannis Maronitis - 希腊, Member of Executive Board of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, 中心和协会, President of the UNESCO Club of the Department of Piraeus and Islands; – Laura Cennini - 意大利, Secretary of Italian Federation of Club and Centers for UNESCO and Barbara Costabello – Leader of the youth section of the Centre for UNESCO in Turin – “The activities of the Italian Federation of Clubs and Centres for UNESCO on the occasion of the European Year of Cultural Heritage” – Elisa Garro – Italy, trainee UNESCO Centre of Florence – “Museum and communication. Starting point for accessibility to cultural heritage” – Olesea Girlea and Sergiu Cogut - 摩尔达维亚, Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of Moldova – Philology Institute – “Conservation and promotion of the material and immaterial cultural heritage of the Republic of Moldova – current topics” – 和Milici - 罗马尼亚, Vice-President of the Romanian Federation of UNESCO Clubs – Mariana Milici – Romania, University Professor, “Ştefan cel Mare” University, Suceava – Rodica Precupetu - 罗马尼亚, European Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations – “Heritage, an important tool to foster intercultural dialogue in Romania” – Sonja Bezanovic and Rita Jovanovic – Serbia, Federation of UNESCO Clubs of Serbia – “Cultural and Study Trips – the best promotion of European Cultural Heritage”
On Saturday, the 30日 of June 2018, the 3rd Intermediate Congress of EFUCA moved to Targoviste, in the House of Romance, a unique museal space in Romania, under the patronage of EFUCA and dedicated to the safeguarding of Romance – the musical genre of the national culture of Romania and to the promotion of the National Festival of Romance “The Golden Chrysanthemum” – this year reaching its 51st edition. This session was opened by Alina Mavrodin Vasiliu who thanked the attendees (about 60 people from 11 国家) for attending this event and presented a small history of the Romanta musical genre, similar the Chansonette in France, the Canzonetta in Italy, the Lied in Germany and the Fado in Portugal. Local and county authorities were also present at the event:
- Mr. Ivan Vasile Ivanoff, Ph.d - Secretary of the County of Dâmboviţa,
- Prof. Constantin Pehoiu, Ph.d - Senate President, Wallachia University, Târgovişte,
- pc. pr. Marian Robert Puiescu, who presented The High Most Holy Father Metropolitan Nifon, Ph.d, Archbishop of Târgovişte’s support message. Teodor Vasiliu and Andrei Vasiliu introduced the House of Romance – Cultural Centre for UNESCO “Citadel of Romance”, 特尔戈维什特, an unique museum of this Romanian song of the soul, dedicated to the unforgettable voices of popular and classical romances, golden voices of romance on the classical, light and popular music scenes, to the over 150 Romanian composers, to the great conductors and to the Golden Chrysanthemum laureates.
Following the introduction of the House of Romance, Alina Mavrodin Vasiliu gave a brilliant, exciting recital of romances, of chansonettes and fados which was rewarded with applause by the public.
Iris CONSTANTIN – Expert, Communication and Information Subcommission CNR UNESCO, presented the “Your Country, Your Tradition” Project during the 3rd Intermediary Congress, a project that aims to promote among the pupils, teachers and parents the 15 Cultural Objectives of Romania that are part of the UNESCO World Heritage, project in which up to 4,000 pupils from grades V- VIII have participated so far.
Participants were also able to watch the film about the event.
特尔戈维什特, CASA ROMANTEI, 30 June 2018
At the initiative of Daniela Popescu – President EFUCA, the approximately 60 participants from 11 countries at the 3rd Intermediate Congress of EFUCA initiated and signed an Appeal to the competent forums in Romania for introducing Romance music genre into the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
CALL for the inscription of the Romance music genre in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity We, the participants of the 3rd Intermediate Congress of the European Federation of Associations, Clubs and Centers for UNESCO, entitled “The European Cultural Heritage – an Invitation to Dialogue and Collaboration” and of the 10th edition of the International Conference “青年和博物馆 “, held in Romania between June 28th and July 1st, 2018, make and support this appeal today, on June 30th, 2018, to the Romanian forums that have attributions to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage and who can decide on the inscription of Romance music genre into the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. We support the present Call initiated by the „Citadel of Romance” Cultural Center for UNESCO in Targoviste, the City Hall and Local Council of Târgovişte, the „Tony Bulandra” Theatre and the National Commission of Romania for UNESCO, also promoting the fact that Romance is a musical genre included in the “National Repertoire of Intangible Cultural Heritage”. At the same time, it is historically documented that Romance is a musical genre that offers the identity to the Romanian musical creation, as do other genres of musical heritage, related to Romance, for other European countries such as: The Chansonette in France, The Canzonetta in Italy, The Lied in Germany and The Fado in Portugal. It is encouraging for us that Fado has recently been included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, one of the key arguments being the existence of the Museum of Fado in Lisbon. We appreciate that the establishment of the „House of Romance” last year in Târgovişte – as a unique museum space dedicated to Romance music, under the patronage of the European Federation of Associations, Clubs and Centers for UNESCO – is a very important argument in support of this appeal. It is worth mentioning that in 1968, in Târgovişte, the building in which the „House of Romance” is functioning today hosted the initiation of the „Golden Chrysanthemum” National Festival of Romance. The Festival is a unique cultural and musical event in Romania by its size and longevity, being dedicated to performing, creating and promoting the Romance music genre. The „House of Romance” in Târgovişte hosts the only archive of original documents, old scores, photos, audio-video recordings, old musical instruments and concert clothing, which are precious testimonies of the history and evolution of Romance music in Romania. The value of the documentary assets provides essential support for the preservation of authentic traditions and their inclusion in contemporary creation. Through this Appeal, we support the proposal to inscribe the Romance music genre in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Târgovişte, June 30日, 2018
特尔戈维什特, CASA ROMANTEI, 30 June 2018
In the afternoon of June 30, 2018, the participants in the 3RD Intermediate Congress EFUCA were given guided tours of:
- The complex of monuments which form the Royal Court of Targoviste: The Royal Palace, The royal house from the 15日 and 16日 century, The Chapel- Church, The Chindia tower, The great Royal Church etc, mentioning the importance of Targoviste as capital of Wallachia between the early 15th century and the 16th century.
- The Museum of Printing and Old Romanian Book – one of the first cultural institutions of this kind in the country – which opened for visitors on May the 11日 1967. The museum shows a series of aspects regarding the writing and printing development in the Romanian territory, starting with the first writing form.
- Dealu Monastery is one of the most remarkable architectonic edifices in Romania – the church reflects both from the structural and decorative art point of view the creative contribution brought by the native artists, promoting Romanian architecture. The Dealu Monastery narthex is considered one of the largest funerary spaces in the country, here being buried several voivodes, princes and clergymen.
• Stelea monastery, an Orthodox Monastery of monks, is first of all a monument dedicated to peace, giving it a special symbolism and importance. Sunday July 1, 2018 – Departure of participants 特尔戈维什特, 30 June 2018