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总结 ▪ 序言 – 教科文组织重要信息 ▪ EFUCA – 项目和活动 ▪ 与教科文组织全国委员会的合作 ▪ 自画像 – 博士. 丹尼尔·波佩斯库, EFUCA 主席 ▪ 即将举行的活动/公告 教科文组织人权日致辞的序言 – 10 December 2018 奥黛丽女士寄语 […]



PreambleUNESCO important messages


EFUCA – projects and events


Partnerships with National Commissions for UNESCO


Self-portrait – 博士. 丹尼尔·波佩斯库, EFUCA President

Upcoming events/ announcements



  • UNESCO message on the occasion of Human Rights Day – 10 December 2018

Message from Ms Audrey Azoulay,

Director-General of UNESCO, on the occasion of Human Rights Day

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights embodies the deep yearning of humanity for freedom, justice and dignity. It is not the product of a single culture or tradition but a common foundation for all individuals to lead fulfilled lives, and for all peoples and all nations to live in peace. 今年, we celebrate 70 years since the world’s nations came together to define this comprehensive set of inherent, inalienable and universal human rights.



  • 2019 – International Year of Indigenous Languages (IY2019)


在 2016, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Languages, based on a recommendation by the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. At the time, the Forum said that 40 per cent of the estimated 6,700 languages spoken around the world were in danger of disappearing. The fact that most of these are indigenous languages puts the cultures and knowledge systems to which they belong at risk.…. Celebrating IYIL2019 will help promote and protect indigenous languages and improve the lives of those who speak them. It will contribute to achieving the objectives set out in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development.



博士. 丹尼尔·波佩斯库, EFUCA President: “I believe in the power of UNESCO values to change the society in a good way. This is why I am hoping and try to overcome my limits day by day”.

I have always been an innate creator. I gather my materials early, I have numerous ideas and I am making hopes day by day. This is the luggage I start with every time I face a new challenge. My experience in the field of UNESCO civil society was one of pioneering, opening the gate of UNESCO clubs and associations movement in Romania. In December 2016 I was reelected at Minsk, 白俄罗斯, president of the European Federation of UNESCO Clubs, 中心和协会, binding me to tie the European horizons to the other regions of the world through education, science and culture. At the cornerstone of this design stands 20 years of experience and hard work.


What do you wish to succeed in the years when you coordinate hundreds of organizations at the European and North American level, especially when you are the first woman president in the history of the organization? In line with the EFUCA members, I pledged through our initiatives for the encouragement of the museum education, through the project 青年和博物馆, an international initiative endorsed by UNESCO and that already reached ten editions. Another international project for youth, entitled 变形记, developed along ten editions, is focused on sharing in common, through creative activities and non-formal education, a vision of the future that the participants want for Europe and for the world. An important desideratum which I brought up, in the spirit of the cultural values promoted by UNESCO, was and still is the facilitation of dialogue and collaboration between languages and cultures, starting from the long and positive experience of Romania in this area. During the last years we focused more on the gender issues, one of the most important themes promoted nowadays by UNESCO, endorsing, through projects in which EFUCA is always a partner, the increase of the capacity of women to involve in different areas, the chances for women to affirm in all fields.

In my quality as president of EFUCA I am a team player, an open and flexible person. I like to learn from everywhere: books, life, others. I listen with great attention the opinion of others, I analyze the opportunities, search partners on which we can count on. I have always treated the people around me like friends. The limits and constraints, if they exist, are inside us. We can overcome those existing outside only if we first defeat our own limits.

EFUCA – projects and events


  • Executive Board Meeting, Chalkida, 希腊

On this occasion was presented for the European Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations the message of the former General Director of UNESCO, Federico Mayor Zaragoza. On the same occasion was printed the 4 number of the magazine Azure 4 - NATCOM Romania and EFUCA.

UNESCO Summer University – Culture of Education for Sustainable Development, 布加勒斯特

Between 8-11 August, ”Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University has organized in Bucharest the project “UNESCO Summer University – Culture of Education for Sustainable Development” having as partners the National Commission of Romania for UNESCO and the Federation of Clubs, Centers and Associations for UNESCO from Europe and North America. In the project participated youngsters from Italy, 塞尔维亚, 摩尔多瓦共和国, United States of America, Russian Federation, 白俄罗斯, Turkey and Romania. In the opening of the project a series of representatives held discourses: Prof. 博士. Alexandre Navarro – Secretary General of the National Commission of France for UNESCO, 博士. Daniela Popescu – Expert of the National Commission of Romania for UNESCO, the president of the Federation of Clubs, Centers and Association for UNESCO from Europe and North America, Prof. 博士. Titus Corlățean – “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Grațiela Ghic – pro-rector “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University and prof. 博士. 明锐科斯泰亚, coordinator of the project. According to the program, the main subjects of debate were: The culture of peace and non-violence, World Heritage, Education and sustainable development.


  • The Third Intermediate Congress of EFUCA, Bucharest-Golești-Târgoviște

Between 28 June and 1 July 2018, the 3rd Intermediate Congress of the European Federation of Associations, Centers and Clubs for UNESCO (EFUCA) was organized by the European Federation, the Romanian Federation of Associations, Centers and Clubs for UNESCO and Alumnus Club for UNESCO, in partnership with Golești Museum of Fruit and Winegrowing, National Commission of Romania for UNESCO and UNESCO Cultural CenterCitadel of Romanța”.

30 从代表 11 国家 – 白俄罗斯, 保加利亚, 塞浦路斯, 法国, 希腊, 意大利, 摩尔达维亚, 罗马尼亚, Russia, Serbia and the UKparticipated in this Congress.

This edition, under the themeEuropean Cultural PatrimonyAn Invitation to Dialogue and Collaboration”, took place under the aegis of the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018 and was the first itinerant edition of the Interim Congress of the European Federation, taking place in three cities in Romania: Bucharest-Golești-Târgoviște.

  • In the spectacular ambience of the Trinci Palace in Foligno, 意大利, the final phase of the International La Fabbrica nel Paesaggio Contest took placethe presentation of the projects, the candidates and the award ceremony. Starting with 2015, this event is under the aegis of the European Federation of Associations, Centers and Clubs for UNESCO (FEACU), whose president is for the second term, Mrs. 丹尼尔·波佩斯库. The purpose of the contest and the prizes awarded, as stipulated in the regulationis educational and not competitive”. The La fabbrica nel paesaggio international contest, promoted by the UNESCO Foligno and Valle del Clitunno Club and endorsed by the Italian National Commission for UNESCO and the Italian Federation of Clubs for UNESCO (FICLU) this year at its 9th edition, is dedicated to business people, governments, institutions and associations that develop projects that prioritize the environment and demonstrate a particular sensitivity of the importance of impact on the surrounding landscape.

  • EFUCA Meetings in Paris



L’agenda a compris un message commun de bienvenue de la Commission Nationale Française de l’UNESCO – CNFU et de la Fédération Française des Clubs Pour l’UNESCO – FFCU par Monsieur Ardiouma SIRIMA, Président de la FFCU et un Représentant de la CNFU et une communication sur le thème «Bilan et perspectives d’action des Clubs UNESCO européens dans la diffusion et la mise en oeuvre de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme», suivie d’une brève présentation de la FEACU par Madame Daniela POPESCU, Présidente de la FEACU.

Après les interventions des délégations des Fédérations Nationales des Clubs pour l’UNESCO (Chypre – Marina Christophides, Secretaire Executive; Italie – Maria Paola Azzario, Vice-Presidente, Barbara Costabello et d’autres; 法国 – 阿迪奥马西里玛, Président de la FFCU; Roumanie – Daniela Popescu, Presidente; Russie – Yulia Averina, 掌柜) ont eu lieu des débats et la signature de la Convention de Partenariat de la FFCU et du CRID-Centre de Recherche et d’Information pour le Développement, en présence de Monsieur Jean Marc DELAUNAY, Coordinateur du Festival des Solidarités. L’agenda a aussi inclus un partage d’analyses et d’expériences entre Fédérations sur la mise en oeuvre du Cadre Réglementaire adopté par la 39e Session de la Conférence Générale de l’UNESCO le 3 novembre 2017 à Paris et une synthèse des propositions formulées à cette occasion.


Projects and events of member organizations


罗马尼亚 – Alumnus Club for UNESCO

  • 该项目 Future Folk” represented a Romanian contribution to the European Year of the Cultural Heritage – 2018, as well as to UNESCO’s initiatives, which highlight the cultural heritage of all states. More specifically, this project aimed to contribute to the revitalization and promotion of the immaterial cultural heritage of Romania, putting into the spotlight through contemporary design an essential piece of it – the traditional costume. Not only the Romanian costume, but also the traditional costumes specific to the national minorities living in Romania.


The creator of the original cultural product proposed by 未来民间 is Carmen Emanuela Popa, post-graduate of the National University of Arts in Bucharest. She has created an avant-garde collection of fashion design inspired by traditional costumes, a collection that was launched at Parliament’s Palace on June 20, 2018. Later, this collection turned into an itinerant exhibition first in Bucharest, followed by similar presentations in Ploiesti and Slobozia.


The project was initiated by Alumnus Club and co-funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund, the Youth Center of Bucharest and the National Commission of Romania for UNESCO. At the same time, the project was implemented with the support – among othersof the Parliamentary Group of National Minorities within the Chamber of Deputies, the Romanian Cultural Institute, the National Village Museum “Dimitrie Gusti”, BurdaRomania Press Group and the Romanian Television. More information on

  • Discover the Multicultural Heritage of Your City!”, another project organized by Alumnus Club 在 2018, co-funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund and run with the support of the Karta Graphic Publishing House, aimed at making the patrimony inherited by the historical ethnic groups more widely known, to contribute to the revitalization of this heritage, and to deploy it to young people with the tools they are currently using.

The message of the whole project is that heritage is the most beautiful book of history, leading the society forward to an important set of common values, making us know ourselves better, bringing us closer to each other, helping us find the paths of a better common future.


The brochure Bucharest – a multicultural city was the main component of the project, together with a web page and an application for smartphones (Android). Romanian and foreign youth, tourists may use the booklet (in Romanian and English), internet or their smartphone to be guided and find places that interest them in their passage through Bucharest.

More information about the project: HTTP://


On telephone: Google PlayMultiCulture Alumnus Metamorphosys Youth


SERBIA – Federation of UNESCO Clubs


  • “Le patrimoine culturel immatériel en tant que partie intégrale de l’éducation des jeunes”. Conformément à la Convention de l’UNESCO en 2003 sur le patrimoine culturel immatériel, la Fédération de Serbie a conçu le projet afin d’assurer une meilleure visibilité du patrimoine culturel immatériel et la conscience de son importance, en tant que principale source de diversité culturelle et de connaissances mutuelles.

Le projet est destiné aux jeunes des Clubs pour l’UNESCO de 14 à 18 岁月. Il y aura tout d’abord une série de conférences sur le Patrimoine culturel immatériel et ensuite chaque club fera des recherches à la découverte et enregistrement du patrimoine culturel immatériel de sa région. Après, ils vont présenter et décrire ce qu’ils ont découvert comme patrimoine culturel immatériel et ils vont formuler des propositions visant à préserver de l’oublie les pièces découvertes. A la fin de la recherche les Clubs pour l’UNESCO vont se réunir pour présenter leurs résultats et rédiger une brochure commune. Le but de ce projet est d’approcher la culture des Serbes des autres cultures et de mieux comprendre la diversité culturelle des peuples voisins de la région des Balkans.

  • La Fédération des Clubs pour UNESCO de Serbie a accepté le partenariat avec Le Club national pour UNESCO de Bulgarie visant à organiser un projet pour les jeunes dans le contexte du programme international “Patrimoine et dialogue des Balkans occidentaux, intégration dans la diversité”. Le sujet consiste à la découverte et protection du patrimoine culturel immatériel de la Serbie.


BULGARIANational UNESCO Club for Scientific Expeditions


  • A charity concert, entitled Christmas carolers with Good News and Wishes for Health and a bazar in support of the National campaignChristmas with good news and healthwas organized by the National UNESCO Club for scientific expeditions on 9th of December in Plaza Mall Plovdiv.

The campaign supports the treatment of Children with Oncological Diseases. Students from Sofia UniversityConstantineCyril Philosophertook active participation in the charity concert. More than 80 participants joined the organization, all supporting the noble cause of this event. Besides the concert, NCSE also hold a national student competition for the most attractive Christmas card and Christmas souvenir, as well as the most authentic recreation of the custom related to the Christmas holidays. More than 140 Bulgarian schools from the country and abroad participated in the competition. Besides the social responsibility of the children promoted by this event, they were also educated in the spirit of the respect for the Bulgarian traditions and culture.

  • The National UNESCO Club for Scientific Expeditions (NCSE-UNESCO), Sofia, 保加利亚, was founded in 1970. After years of successful participation and results in the UNESCO campaign to save the ancient Carthage in Tunisia, 在 1973 the club acquired the status of an official UNESCO club. 在 1991, after an official recommendation from the Bulgarian National Commission for UNESCO, NCSE-UNESCO added to its name the term “national”. Since 1981 NCSE-UNESCO is a founder member and represents the Republic of Bulgaria in the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, 中心和协会 (WFUCA). Since 2001 NCSE-UNESCO is a member of the European Federation of UNESCO Clubs, 中心和协会 (EFUCA). Since 1999 NCSE-UNESCO is co-organizer of the International Centre for Programmes and Projects in the Field of Education, Science and Culture, with activities hosted by the National Student House in Sofia.


Throughout its long history, the NCSE-UNESCO has conducted more than 300 youth science expeditions, fora, conferences and seminars, among them many internationally recognized. At present the activities of NCSE-UNESCO target: the development of international cooperation and understanding in line with the UNESCO principles; conducting scientific expeditions in Bulgaria and abroad; the preservation and promotion of the Bulgarian and the World natural and cultural heritage; organizing various social and public activities with contribution in the field of education, science and culture; cooperation with other organizations, working in the field of education, science and culture; providing opportunity to university students to practically apply their newly acquired scientific and professional expertise.


The NCSE-UNESCO has always acted with the full support and assistance of the Republic of Bulgaria’s National Commission for UNESCO. NCSE-UNESCO is registered in accordance with the Non-profit Legal Entities Act. President: Kristian Kalchev +359 877 244 339; Honorary President: Eduard Geshev +359 888 220 977. More information on HTTP://

RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Ural-Siberian Federation of UNESCO Clubs, 中心和协会


  • The Federation, in cooperation with partners and members of UNESCO Clubs movement, is working on the promotion of information about the principles and ideals proclaimed by the UNESCO Constitution. The main activities and programs of the Federation are focused on youth, education and preservation of the cultural heritage.
  • 在 2018, within the framework of the Educational Program, the Federation has conducted work aimed at Strengthening education and human rights for young people and adults. Program participants were schoolchildren and students, members of the UNESCO clubs of the Urals and Siberia. By participating in this program, they raised awareness of the work of the UN and UNESCO in the field of human rights protection.


  • More than 2,000 young people took part in events dedicated to the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Public lecture in cooperation with the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Sverdlovsk Region “70 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Protection of Equality, Solidarity and Human Dignity”; Round tableStrengthening Intercultural Dialogue and Global Citizenship Education”; Conference of UNESCO Clubs of Ural-Siberian Federation: Plenary session on SDG 16; Public lecture in cooperation with the Commissioner for Children’s Rights, Sverdlovsk Region; “Convention on the Rights of the Child: a guarantee for a happy childhood”; Public Lecture “Education on Human Rights”; Olympiad and Conference “Human Rights Day: 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”.




  • August 11-18, Summer Academy of UNESCO Clubs of the Ural-Siberian Federation, which was held in Minsk, 白俄罗斯, with the participation of the UNESCO Clubs of Russia and Belarus. Lectures on the main priorities and activities of the United Nations and UNESCO were organized for members of the UNESCO Clubs movement as well as workshops on the organization of work in UNESCO clubs: the specific of NGO activities and projects, the development of cross-cultural competences.



  • On September 8, the high-level roundtable discussion was held for members and partners of the Federation with the honorary guestMrs. Alison Smale, the UN Under-Secretary General for Global Communications from New York. During the discussion the members of the UNESCO clubs, partner organizations and participants of the Federation’s programs were able to talk about their work. The governing body of the Federation presented the activity plan for 2019 of the Federation in accordance with the main activities of the UN, UNESCO and WFUCA.

Partnerships with National Commissions for UNESCO

  • 今年, the international symposium Art and Civilization in Monastic Places turned 10 岁. The Xth edition was organized by the National Commission of Romania for UNESCO, the Holy Metropolis of Kyrenia, 塞浦路斯, the Archbishop of Râmnic and the Cygnus Scientific SocietyCenter for UNESCO, 罗马尼亚.

The 2018 edition covered several stages. The first one, with the kindness of His Eminence, the Metropolitan Bishop of Kyrenia, Chrysostomos, took place in Cyprus in September. In the cultural exchange, there were visited monasteries included in the UNESCO World Heritage and the jewel monastery of Cyprus, Monastery of Kykkos. The symposium in Nicosia brought to the same table specialists from Romania and Cyprus. The next stage of the symposium, with the themeMonasteries during the First World War and after the Great Union”, took place at NCR UNESCO headquarters, during which UNESCO Cultural CenterIonel Perleaopened the plastic art exhibitionCentenary of the Great Union under the sign of the artists from Bărăganand launched the brochure “Slobozia – the land of heroes everywhere”.

They took the floor: Mr. 阿尼马太 – Secretary General NCR UNESCO, His Eminence, the Metropolitan Bishop of Kyrenia, Chrysostomos, Ms. 丹尼尔·波佩斯库 – UNESCO NCR expert, Ms. Virginia Meheş – President of the Romanian Federation of Associations, Clubs and Centers for UNESCO, Ms. Clementina TudorDirector of the Cultural Center for UNESCOIonel Perlea”, Mr. Vitalie Buzudirector of theMihai ViteazulNational College Slobozia, author of the brochure, and Mr. Gheorghe Petrepresident of the Artists Union, Ialomița branch.

Further, the Archbishop of Râmnic, His Eminence Varsanufie, was the host of the symposium for 4 days. The events dedicated to the Romanian monastic places were ended at Putna monastery, Suceava county, where a session with experts from Romania, Moldova and Ukraine was held from 23 to 25 十一月

EFUCA upcoming events

  • Russian Federation. The general strategy of the Federation and UNESCO Clubs for 2019 is Skills for the future. As part of the implementation of this strategy, the Federation will organize activities for school and university teachers on UNESCO on education (SDG 4), review of the Global Education Monitoring Report.

In April 2019, the 17 International Youth festival “Earth is our common home” will be held in cooperation with the Sverdlovsk Children’s Philharmonic Society and the Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region.

  • 罗马尼亚. EFUCA will support, as a partner, the second edition of the UNESCO’s Academy of Young Women, that will be organized by the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO under the 2018 - 2019 Participation Program. It will be held in May 2019 at Bucharest and will focus on “Mass media as a tool for women’s empowerment”.
  • United States of America. The US Federation of UNESCO Clubs and
    Associations invites youth around the world to take part in this year’s Multimedia Competition. The natural optimism and unparalleled connectivity put youth one of the greatest positions to bring much needed change to the world. The contest starts Dec 1, 2018 and the final deadline is February 24, 2019. Judging will take place and final winners will be announced Mar 25, 2019.


什么是 校友 ?

校友会是当年创建的组织 2000, that gathers for more than a decade and a half members from 10 国家.
校友俱乐部是联合国教科文组织协会和俱乐部罗马尼亚联合会的一部分, and implicitly of the World and European Federations for UNESCO. The club is formed mainly by young students, 其目的是提供其成员有机会涉足旨在发展研究选定字段的体验项目.
通过其联合国教科文组织联系, 该校友俱乐部访问的有关活动的信息领域,如教育发展的重要的网络, 科学, 文化和传播.
该组织的主要目的是培养年轻人在一个多元文化的方式, through projects that aim at involving them in activities that encourage their personal initiative and experience gaining.
在 20 年活动, 校友会为其会员和活动参与者提供了参与教育的机会, 科学, 文化和通信项目.
下面, 你可能会发现每年一度的盛事的不完全清单: 变形记, 青年和博物馆, 文化艺术修道院空间, 麦哲伦和不同文明联盟的主持下开发的新项目: 布加勒斯特检索, 全国室内合唱情歌的演唱会.

校友俱乐部成立于 2000 而由年轻人跨越 10 国家.
该俱乐部希望提供给参与教育项目及其成员的机会, 科学的, 文化和通信.
ALUMNUS Club 旨在培养具有多元文化精神的年轻人,并让他们参与有助于他们个人和职业发展的活动.