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EUROPEAN FEDERATION OF UNESCO CLUBS, Centros y Asociaciones (EFUCA) CONSEJO EJECUTIVO reunión de Bucarest, RUMANIA, 7DE OCTUBRE 2015 PROYECTO DE INFORME PROVISIONAL DE LAS CUESTIONES PRINCIPALES DISCUTIDAS Presente: Daniel Popescu, EFUCA President; Marina Christophides, EFUCA Executive Secretary; Yulia Averina, EFUCA Treasurer; Dzimitry Subtselny, EFUCA Vice- President; Maria Paola Azzario, EFUCA Vice-President; Jorge Oliveira, EFUCA Member; Adeline […]






Present: Daniel Popescu, EFUCA President; Marina Christophides, EFUCA Executive Secretary; Yulia Averina, EFUCA Treasurer; Dzimitry Subtselny, EFUCA Vice- President; Maria Paola Azzario, EFUCA Vice-President; Jorge Oliveira, EFUCA Member; Adeline Popescu, EFUCA Treasurer, Dhirendra Bhatnagar, WFUCA President; Ioannis Maronitis WFUCA Member for Europe and North American Region; Elliot Minchenberg Chief of Europe and North America Desk Sector for External Relations and Public Information of UNESCO; Guy Djoken, USFUCA President; Barbara Costabello FICLU Member.


The Executive Board Meeting of the European Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centros y Asociaciones (EFUCA) was held on the 7ª Octubre, 2015 in Bucharest, Romania within the framework of the Asia- Europe Forum on Education. Present in the meeting were also the Chief of Europe and North America Desk Sector for External Relations and Public Information of UNESCO, Elliot Minchenberg and the President of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centros y Asociaciones (FMACU) Dhirendra Bhatnagar.


The President of EFUCA, Daniela Popescu welcomed everybody and thanked the UNESCO Representative, Elliot Minchenberg and the WFUCA President, Dhirendra Bhatnagar for being present at the Executive Board Meeting of EFUCA.


Daniela Popescu welcomed each member of the Executive Board give an introductory speech and with information regarding the UNESCO Clubs movement in their country.


After the Members’ presentation, Daniela Popescu informed that the Honorary Member of EFUCA and Vice President of the Romanian Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centros y Asociaciones (FRACCU), Paula Iacob passed away and requested a moment of silence in her memory.


Before the reading of the draft provisional agenda reference was made to the quorum. Following this, the draft provisional agenda was adopted.


In relation to item 2 “AZURE Magazine of EFUCA’s Activities – Proposals regarding the 3rd Edition”, Guy Djoken President of the US Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centros y Asociaciones (USUFCA) offered to cooperate with the Secretariat and Office of the President of EFUCA for the preparations of the 3rd edition of the magazine, while the EFUCA Vice-President and President of the Italian Federation of UNESCO Clubs (FICLU), Maria Paola Azzario expressed interest on behalf of FICLU regarding the 4ª edition of the magazine.



Fédération Européenne des Associations, Centros y Clubs (FEACU)

European Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centros y Asociaciones (EFUCA)







In relation to item 3 “9ª World Congress of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centros y Asociaciones (FMACU) in Beijing, China July 2015 – Participation of EFUCA members”, reference was made to the events held in Beijing, China, last July 2015.


In relation to item 4 “Metamorphosis VII, organized by the UNESCO Romanian National Commission in collaboration with the ALUMNUS Club for UNESCO within the framework of UNESCO’s Participation Programme”, the Secretary General of FRACCU, Adeline Popescu informed during her introductory speech about the said program which was organized with the support of UNESCO, under the UNESCO Participation Programme.


In relation to item 5 “Asia- Europe Forum on Education”, Daniela Popescu informed the Members about the organization of the said Forum in Bucharest, Romania on 7ª -11ª Octubre, 2015 and the publication that will be prepared after the Forum to be circulated during the 38ª General Conference of UNESCO in Paris, France in November 2015.


In relation to item 6 “Reports by the Executive Board members”, this item was covered during the introductory speeches.


In relation to item 7 “EFUCA relations with UNESCO and WFUCA”, the President of WFUCA referred to the good relation between WFUCA and Regional Federations including EFUCA with reference to its active contribution to the UNESCO Clubs spirit and the promotion of the UNESCO ideals. The WFUCA President referred to some issues discussed during the 9ª World Congress of WFUCA and to his discussions with Eric Falt Assistant Director General Sector for External Relations and Public Information of UNESCO during his visit in Beijing, China.


The UNESCO representative, Elliot Minchenberg talked about the use of the logo of UNESCO and to the issues raised during the 9ª World Congress of UNESCO which were addressed to the UNESCO Clubs movement.


In relation to items 8 and 9“Next Executive Board Meeting”, “Next General Assembly of EFUCA” an email will be sent by the Secretariat of EFUCA to all the Members of EFUCA.


In relation to item 10 “Miscellaneous” the date for the next Skype meeting of the members of the Executive Board of EFUCA was set for the 29ª Octubre 2015.

QUÉ ES Antiguo alumno ?

Alumnus Club es una organización creada en el año 2000, that gathers for more than a decade and a half members from 10 países.
Alumnus Club forma parte de la federación rumana de asociaciones y clubes de la UNESCO., and implicitly of the World and European Federations for UNESCO. The club is formed mainly by young students, y su objetivo es ofrecer a sus miembros la oportunidad de participar en proyectos dirigidos a desarrollar su experiencia en el campo seleccionado de estudio.
A través de su afiliación a la UNESCO, el Club de Ex Alumno tiene acceso a una importante red de información sobre las actividades desarrolladas en ámbitos como la educación, ciencia, cultura y comunicación.
El objetivo principal de la organización es el de la formación de los jóvenes de una manera multicultural, through projects that aim at involving them in activities that encourage their personal initiative and experience gaining.
En 20 años de actividad, Alumnus Club ha ofrecido a sus miembros y a los participantes en sus eventos la oportunidad de participar en actividades educativas, científico, proyectos culturales y de comunicación.
Abajo, usted puede encontrar una lista no exhaustiva de los eventos anuales: Metamorfosis, Juventud y Museos, Arte y Civilización en los espacios monásticos, Magallanes y el nuevo proyecto desarrollado bajo los auspicios de la Alianza de Civilizaciones: Bucarest recuperado, los conciertos del Coro Madrigal Nacional de Cámara.

ALUMNUS Club fue fundado en 2000 y se compone de jóvenes de todo el 10 países.
El Club de Antiguos Alumnos forma parte de la Federación Rumana de Asociaciones y Clubes para la UNESCO.
El club quiere ofrecer a sus miembros la oportunidad de participar en proyectos educativos, Científico, cultural y de comunicación.
El Club ALUMNUS tiene como objetivo preparar a los jóvenes con un espíritu multicultural e involucrarlos en actividades que los ayuden en su desarrollo personal y profesional..