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EVS Diary The daily life of international EUROPEAN VOLUNTARY SERVICE volunteers in Stockholm, in Framtidståget. Thursday, Octubre 22, 2015 Asia-Europe Forum on Education It was a great pleasure for me to represent Föreningen Framtidståget at the III Asia-Europe Forum on Education in Bucharest, Romania 7th – 11th October 2015. The forum was organized to […]

The daily life of international EUROPEAN VOLUNTARY SERVICE volunteers in Stockholm, in Framtidståget.

Thursday, Octubre 22, 2015

Asia-Europe Forum on Education

It was a great pleasure for me to represent Föreningen Framtidståget at the III Asia-Europe Forum on Education in Bucharest, Romania 7th – 11th October 2015. The forum was organized to mark the 70th Anniversary of the establishment of UNESCO (AEFE) by the European Federation of UNESCO clubs, Centros y Asociaciones (EFUCA) with the support of Romanian National Commission for UNESCO.

AEFE 2015 was themed The Sustainable Development in Education with the following subtopics:
– Future education and the Alliance of Civilizations
– Education post 2015 and 2030 agenda
– From theory to practice, the partnership between school and business in professional, vocational/dual education
– University education-tying technology and innovation on the labor market

The participants were leaders of UNESCO clubs and Associations of over 30 countries and also the representatives from international and Romanian organizations. During the forum the participants had a platform to speak about challenges of education, which they are facing in their countries. Also, they were talking about the education as a way to promote tolerance, human rights, fight against terrorism and etc. The forum brought together persons who are active in the field of education. It was a great possibility to see how Europe and Asia work productively together. The themes of the forum were about formal and non-formal education, which were so interesting for me, as a student and as a youth worker. I got lots of inspiration from this forum, which I will use in my future projects.

After the forum activities, we had possibilities to visit some interesting places in Bucharest: a village called “Pietroasele” which is known for its vineyards and the “Berca Mud Volcanoes” (it is a small volcano-shaped structure typically a few meters high caused by the eruption of mud and natural gases). During these days we had a pleasure to see old Bucharest which was really so attractive. The area has retained many old and historical buildings that make it a cultural highlight. On the last evening we were in the “Central University Library Carl I” where we attended an amazing concert of “Royal Camerata”.

I would like to express my special thanks to Madam Daniela Popescu for the invitation and to the organizers’ group for such a great event.

We hope to continue our active cooperation in the future.

QUÉ ES Antiguo alumno ?

Alumnus Club es una organización creada en el año 2000, that gathers for more than a decade and a half members from 10 países.
Alumnus Club forma parte de la federación rumana de asociaciones y clubes de la UNESCO., and implicitly of the World and European Federations for UNESCO. The club is formed mainly by young students, y su objetivo es ofrecer a sus miembros la oportunidad de participar en proyectos dirigidos a desarrollar su experiencia en el campo seleccionado de estudio.
A través de su afiliación a la UNESCO, el Club de Ex Alumno tiene acceso a una importante red de información sobre las actividades desarrolladas en ámbitos como la educación, ciencia, cultura y comunicación.
El objetivo principal de la organización es el de la formación de los jóvenes de una manera multicultural, through projects that aim at involving them in activities that encourage their personal initiative and experience gaining.
En 20 años de actividad, Alumnus Club ha ofrecido a sus miembros y a los participantes en sus eventos la oportunidad de participar en actividades educativas, científico, proyectos culturales y de comunicación.
Abajo, usted puede encontrar una lista no exhaustiva de los eventos anuales: Metamorfosis, Juventud y Museos, Arte y Civilización en los espacios monásticos, Magallanes y el nuevo proyecto desarrollado bajo los auspicios de la Alianza de Civilizaciones: Bucarest recuperado, los conciertos del Coro Madrigal Nacional de Cámara.

ALUMNUS Club fue fundado en 2000 y se compone de jóvenes de todo el 10 países.
El Club de Antiguos Alumnos forma parte de la Federación Rumana de Asociaciones y Clubes para la UNESCO.
El club quiere ofrecer a sus miembros la oportunidad de participar en proyectos educativos, Científico, cultural y de comunicación.
El Club ALUMNUS tiene como objetivo preparar a los jóvenes con un espíritu multicultural e involucrarlos en actividades que los ayuden en su desarrollo personal y profesional..