Adeline Popescu – Auditor de la Federación Europea de Clubes UNESCO, Centros y Asociaciones (EFUCA) y Secretario General de Ex alumno del club para la UNESCO – participó el 8 de marzo 2018 a las festividades del Día Internacional de la Mujer en la sede de la UNESCO.
Los organizadores: Asociación Comunitaria de la UNESCO (UCA)
French-Chinese Center of cultural and artistic exchanges
Beijing Chinese Association of people leaving in France
Yingfenglisheng Education Consulting Co., Ltd.
At this event were invited to participate members of the UNESCO permanent delegations and UNESCO Civil Society. The speaches and congratulations were followed by a gala dinner.
We took advantage of this occasion to discuss with the President of UCA, Mrs. Marietta Bantchev, new perspectives of future collaboration between EFUCA and UCA.
8de marzo 2018