Between 1-3 October 2009 held at UNESCO headquarters in Paris 6th Youth Forum, event that precedes every time UNESCO General Conference. The forum was attended 127 young people from 88 Tari, aniversandu this year is a decade of working with the first meeting.
The meeting was a good opportunity to share experiences and to think together UNESCO recommendations leading to better integration of young people in contemporary society.
The main theme of our discussion was: "Investing out of the crisis to: By a partnership between UNESCO and youth organizations. "Along with this has been discussed and cross theme: "Youth participation: UNESCO Youth Forum - a long-term approach "
From Youth Report,presented at the opening of the 35th UNESCO General Conference, mention the following requirements:
1) Integrarea tinerilor in delegatiile tarilor prezente la Conferinta Generala UNESCO incepand cu anul 2011.
2) Crearea de birouri permanente pentru tineret in cadrul tuturor Comisiilor Nationale pentru UNESCO.
3) Respectarea si punerea in applicare a recomandarilor din forumurile anteriore, while wanting to encourage regional youth meetings.
4) Incurajarea statelor membre sa colaboreze strans cu organizatiile de tineret si sustinerea dezvoltarii consiliilor reprezentative de tineret pentru a ameliora comunicarea intre tineri si guverne.
5) Mentinerea si dezvoltarea retelelor de comunicare on line pentru a spori participarea tinerilor si a gasi solutii la problemele acestora.
6) Colaborarea statelor membre cu ONG-urile, especially through online communication networks, where young people are very active and implementation of the Bonn Declaration, on Education for Sustainable develop the trainees'.
7) Stabilirea unui mecanism eficace care sa urmareasca la nivel global punerea in aplicare a solicitarilor mentionate in rapoartele Forumurilor Tinerilor.
Adeline Smith
Delegate Romania