UNESCO Office in Amman(Jordan) organized between 25-30 June 2010 a visit to Romania with an important UNESCO official delegation from Iraq. The delegation visited the Delta in the desire to make a leaflet scientific and propose the Mesopotamian marshlands in Iraq UNESCO World Heritage.
Mention that this area has similarities with Delta and visit made here, meet with Romanian specialists will help develop the necessary documentation to become UNESCO.
The delegation was composed of:
1. Dr. Ali (Abdul-ZhrA Zebon) Al-Lami, Project Coordinator, Ministry of Environment
2. Ikram Doamna (Naser Qasim) Al-Bdairi; General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers
3 Dr. Abbas (Naji Balasem) Al-Saedi, Ministry of Environment
4. Domnul Hamid Mizal Hameed Al-Rawi, Ministry of Culture
5 Ms. Aseel Adel Fattah, Ministry of Planning,Cooperation and Development
6. Mr. Chasib (Khadim Hamdam) Alhajjaji; Comitetul Marshlands
7 Domnul Fattah Ali Mohsin Al-Musawi, Committee leader marshlands
8. Domnul Hasan Werewoush Mohammed Al-Asadi, comitetul Marshlands si
Mr. Ryuichi Fukuhara of the UNEP and Mrs. Tamara Teneishvili UNESCO specialist in cultural programs for Syria, Iordania the Iraqi.
Romanian Commission for UNESCO and the Federation of Romanian Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO by Alumnus Club have prepared the following schedule of scientific meetings :
Sulina Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve,, 26 June 2010
Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Tulcea,28 June 2010 Meeting with Governor of Delta, dl.Grigore Baboianu
Research & Development Delta – Tulcea ,28 June 2010,
Palace of Parliament, Parliamentary Joint Commission for UNESCO, Bucharest ,29 June 2010, meeting with the President of the Commission, Mr. Dorin Viorel Uioreanu
Ministry of Environment, Danube Commission- Bucharest,29 June 2010
Federatia Roman a Asociatiilor, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO- Bucharest,30 June 2010
TV interviews Bucharest,30 June 2010