Saturday, 6 February 2016, now 12.00, the Galeria SENSO (Bd. Unirii. 15), invite you to the launching of the book ”Zenobia, Regina Palmyrei: Ancient Roman travel to Syria " (Ed. Maiko, 2016), scrisă de regretatul Mircea Deac, reputat critic de artă de la a cărui trecere în nefiinţă se împlineşte un an.
Family members will be present (Livia Deac, arh. Radu Deacă, Dr. Mircea Valeriu Deacă, artist plastic, profesor de teoria şi analiza filmului la CESI – Școala Doctorală în Ştiințele Imaginii, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea București), alături de colegi de breaslă, personalități ale vieții cultural-artistice, artiști plastici, critici de artă, historians, writers, membri ai Corpului Diplomatic, prieteni și apropiați ai lui Mircea Deac. Printre aceştia se numără, Mihaela Varga (istoric de artă, editor la editura Maiko), Adrian Mihalache (eseist, cronicar teatral, redactor “La Lettre Internationale”), Prof.Univ.Dr. Ion Bogdan Lefter (Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea Bucureşti, autor a numeroase volume de poeze şi de proză, studii critice, majoritatea urmărind fenomenul literar postmodern), Ana Maria Negoiţă (istoric de artă, specialist în cultura islamică), Ioana Ciocan (curator independent, Director Art Safari) ş.a.
Acest eveniment este realizat cu sprijinul Catena Grup, by Programul Catena pentru Artă.
”Zenobia, Regina Palmyrei – Roman de călătorii în Siria Antică” este unul dintre cele două romane rămase nepublicate din timpul vieţii (celălalt se intitulează ”Concursul”) și îl are ca erou principal pe profesorul de Istoria Artei, Traian Manea care este de fapt, autorul. Mircea Deac a avut ocazia să admire vestigiile istorice și comorile Siriei în anii ’80. Ilustraţiile cărţii sunt realizate de arh. Radu Deacă, fiul autorului.
More details COMUNICATUL DE PRESĂ ataşat.
Attached you will find a biography, câteva referinţe critice, afişul, invitaţia, coperta cărţii şi o selecţie de fotografii.
Considered the oldest member of historians and art critics, Mircea Deac (Mirea Deacă) s-a născut la 9 September 1921 în Olteniţa şi a decedat la 6 February 2015 Bucharest. A urmat Facultatea de Litere şi Filozofie, avându-i ca profesori pe Tudor Vianu şi George Oprescu, apoi Academia de Pictură la atelierele Camil Ressu şi Alexandru Ciucurencu. A fost profesor de istoria artei la Institutul de Arte Plastice „Nicolae Grigorescu ", Director of the Department of Arts and the National Office of the Ministry of Culture Exhibition. Membru UAP, Romanian and European art expert, journalist and writer, Mircea Deac late art critic was a member of the Professional Journalists Union of Romania and the Company's Vice art collectors in Romania. He participated in the symposium "Brancusi " of Paris, Bucharest and Istanbul and was the organizer of exhibitions at the Romanian International Biennials in Paris, Venetia, São Paolo, Belgrade. He has published over 1000 articles in specialized press, studies and articles in France, Greece, Italy and the Netherlands and wrote the screenplay for the movie "Brancusi Targu Jiu " and "Alexander Ciucurencu ". Mircea Deac signed dozens of monographs dedicated to the great Romanian and foreign painters, works of Art History, Encyclopedic Dictionary, and fiction books.
”The novel takes on a different weight from the perspective of the recent civil war in Syria. Many monuments, almost all on the list of UNESCO World Heritage, They are described and analyzed by Mircea Deac interest art historian, but also with<< surprise>> Philosophical their survival over centuries and millennia in a territory that went from one possession to another, each of them hostile to the previous. Behold the survival and was ended in recent years by another war - the war is human social event to which man Mircea Deac have most explicitly expressed horror (…). Palmyra, perhaps the strongest symbol for a <<history of glory and disaster>> It is now, after the death of Mircea Deac place <<overshadowed by blood shed in vain ambitions sand>>. The novel dedicated Zenobia - a charming mysterious female figure in contemporary correspondence - blends realistic episodes that capture a Siri years ’80, surrealistic episodes, though inspired by the fascination it exerts on human desert, as << a strange call, a kind of dizziness, as you are at the brink of the abyss goal, who calls you into the depths without you. The landscape was unusual. Poor, yellow, wilderness, hot sun, silent. A lack of wild wild, because it still has something great, secrets, huge, while a principled indifference>>“ – Dr. Mihaela Varga, Maiko Publishing editor.
“Mircea Deac is more than a specialist called to show us ciphered irregularities, is critic and historian, and memoirist and essayist and philosopher and romanicer. Mircea Deac remained prolific author who managed to be ever”. / “(…) What more prepared, Master, It was a natural question for Patriarch words about art. He always had a tab of content from a book in preparation, silent example for young people who are full of Zeal. Have much to say, many writing, many remembered and thought. As did, of course, with grace and depth, n it would have been the end of being ". – Dr. Marius Tiţa, art critic.
The launch of this book is the first event of the year 2016 series cultural events hosted by Galeria SENSO.
Until 25 February 2016 Art lovers can admire a collective exhibition of Decorative Art with works of artists Arina Ailincăi, Dan Băncilă, Anca Boeriu, Cristina Bolborea, Manuela Botiș, Sanda Bucur, Lucian Butucariu, Daniela Făiniş, Costel Jacob, Nicolae Moldovan, Cela Neamţu, Anielei Ovadiuc, Dionysius Popa, Traian Dumitru Tili and Michael Ţopescu.