Under UNESCO auspices CNR, Alumnus Club for UNESCO in partnership with Spandugino held in Bucharest in September 2012 visiting Professor Luc Montagnier, Nobel Laureate for Medicine (2008), in the project "When Magellan"That is the Romanian contribution to the program"Global Ethics – Save the Planet Earth”, initiated by the World Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO.
The second event of this project will be invited to our country during 15-20 April 2013 a prof. dr. Dominique Rueff, President of the Association for the development of medicine ortomolecular (Fox), President of Chronimed and close collaborator of Professor Luc Montagnier. He is the author of ten books of medicine nutritionist, Oncology, Orthomolecular Nutrition, homeopathy or phytotherapy including Spandugino Publishing will release two papers during 15-20 April 2013: “More than cure. Benefits of integrative medicine ", preface by Luc Montagnier, the carte deployment integrative medicine, and "Imunoslăbire. The weight loss according to our food intolerances and glycemic control”, a paper on therapy to prevent and eliminate excess weight.
On this occasion Publishing launches Spandugino Medical Collection, On that occasion will also launch three books: Luc Montagnier – “Battles life. It is better to prevent than to treat”, HelgaRohra - "Steps into the light. Why advocate for the rights of patients with dementia " and Judith Albertat „Boala Lyme. My way to retrieve health”.
The visit includes five conferences in Bucharest, Călimăneşti and Brasov, as follows:
Tuesday 16 April 2013
- 12:00 a.m. - Conference on nutrition to the specialized medical staff of the Institute of Diabetes, Have you Nutriti metabolic "Prof. Dr. N. Paulescu” (Str Movila Ion, No. 5-7, sector 2, Bucharest, Amphitheatre, and. 4)
Host: prof. univ. dr. Constantin Ionescu-Targoviste
- 18.30 p.m. – Conference on: „The role of nutrients in improving the quality and duration of life " – World Trade Center, Sala New York
Wednesday 17 April 2013
- 11:00 a.m - Conference "The benefits of integrative medicine" at UMF "Carol Davila".
Thursday 18 April 2013
- Conference on Călimăneşti, the National Congress of Internal Medicine 2013.
The conference theme: „The main strategies for using nutritional supplements as an adjuvant therapy in cardiovascular "
Friday 19 April 2013
- 17:00 – 19:00 p.m. – Conference Cultural Center "Redoubt" in Brasov
The conference theme: „The role of nutrients in improving the quality and length of life”
Dominique Rueff
Dominique Rueff, Doctor of Medicine, French pioneer nutritionist treatments, al-author of the bestseller Ului Bible aging, renowned oncologist and founder of the Association for the development of nutrition ortomolecular, is one of the pioneers of this type of medicine.
Specialist in General Medicine
Diploma in Oncology
Medical studies at the University Hospital CHU Cochin, teza în 1973.
Studies of homeopathy and acupuncture Biotherapy Medical Society and the French Association of Acupuncture (Spitalul St Jacques, Paris)
He served as internal Spitalulul homeopathy St Jacques in Paris
A homeopathic clinic for consultation between Danton 1970 – 1974
Between 1983 – 1985 the university education of oncology at Bobigny, with Professor Lucien Israël. Graduate in oncology obtained 1985.
In 1985 Association created “Oncology and Holistic Medicine”, providing cancer education for general practitioners.
France developed the concept of Orthomolecular Nutrition and participates in 1988 the creation of joint research in prevention, micro-nutrients and nutritional therapy.
In 1991, created the Association for the Development of Orthomolecular Medicine (ADMO), which became 1994 Orthomolecular Nutrition Development Association (Fox).
Installs in Cannes 1988, as a general orientation oncology, nutritional therapy and anti-aging and integrative medicine.
It is named in March 1991 Professor Asociates (homeopathy, nutritional therapy), Faculty of Medicine of Marseille, position he no longer holds today.
In 2003, founded with Christophe de Jaeger, society of medicine and physiology of aging (SFMPV, Paris), whose vice president was.
Constantly working beyond 2003 European Centre Medicine, Health and Longevity (CEMESAL), The institution became JASMIN dinParis
Of 2010 is Director of the Research Group, the origin of chronic disease, led by Professor Luc Montagnier (Chronimed).
Dr. Rueff part of the quarterly magazine experts “ANTI-AGE MAGAZINE.”