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Cultural and scientific dialogue Professor Luc Montagnier - Academician Solomon Marcus Bucharest, 20 September 2012. Alumnus UNESCO CLUB FOUNDATION SPANDUGINO with organized during 17 – 19 September 2012 TIME MAGELLAN pilot project event, What was the invitation to Romania Nobel Laureate for Medicine, Professor Luc Montagnier, to enter […]

Cultural and scientific dialogue Professor Luc Montagnier - Academician Solomon Marcus

Bucharest, 20 September 2012. Alumnus UNESCO CLUB FOUNDATION SPANDUGINO with organized during 17 – 19 September 2012 TIME MAGELLAN pilot project event, What was the invitation to Romania Nobel Laureate for Medicine, Professor Luc Montagnier, to enter into a dialogue with the cultural and scientific academician Marcus Solomon. The meeting was held under the sign MAGELLAN Moment of Medicine and marked the first year of the project.
Visit to Romania. Meeting with Professor Luc Montagnier took place at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, "Carol Davila" in the morning of 18 September 2012. At this meeting took place and a press conference in which renowned publications in Romania had the opportunity to talk with Nobel laureate. On this occasion, Mayor of Bucharest, Dr. Oprescu, High handed guest booklet Bucharest. Mrs. Daniela Popescu, President of the Romanian Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO presented the draft Magellan moment, Romanian contribution to UNESCO Global Ethics: "Project Magellan moment you trigger on this day, do not like the famous navigator Magellan a trip around the world, but will call people in Romania, the world to support moral values ​​through educational and cultural programs. "Mrs. Lavinia Spandonide, Spandugino Foundation President spoke about the pilot project of the moment namely Magellan Magellan moment of Medicine under which the great personalities of the medical world will be invited to various events in Romania conferences, symposia, roundtables, initiatives subînscrise this sphere. Lord Streinu Earring addressed words of praise on this major pilot project – call to Romania a great Nobel laureate for Medicine, Professor Luc Montagnier, who discovered HIV. Rector of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” showed that Romania included in the UNESCO Global Ethics in Project Magellan moment of Medicine is an opening beneficial for young students or doctors, which enables them to specialize in similar institutions in Europe and other centers in North America. Ms. Ana Dumitrescu, Paris UNESCO representative declared enthusiasm about the book and Nobel laureate Monk, that after an initial reading has been very exciting, Mrs. Dumitrescu reason decided to work on translating it. Mr. George On. Christophides, President of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs talked about Global Ethics Initiative UNESCO World Federation.
The meeting was launched and Nobel laureate monk book, edited by Ed Spandugino, whose protagonists are prof. Michel Luc Montagnier and Niaussat - Cistercian monk, intervievați de Philippe Harrouard. The meeting ended with a medical conference on the topic held by Professor Montagnier infectious factor in chronic diseases. Medicine Nobel laureate spoke when medical science has come, about “medicine four P: Predictive, Preventive, Participatory, Custom”, explaining the necessity of uniting efforts to fight diseases of any kind, from time prediction, identifying, order to prevent or stop any development of disease.
“The launch of this project in Romania, is particularly important because in terms of this condition are many things in one way or another are known and standardized, but others, supporting further research, decisions and solving of scientific, diagnosis and treatment. Romania's inclusion in itself is a positive time for some young students or young doctors because they can specialize in similar institutions in Western Europe and other centers in North America and come back to the country as experts in this condition, spreading in Romania notions that are known throughout the medical world and the population”, said, Tuesday, Acad. Prof.. Univ. Dr. Ionel Sinescu, Rector of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila.
The continuation of Professor Montagnier's visit to Romania has resulted in scientific and cultural dialogue with academician at the Romanian Athenaeum Solomon Marcus, oriented dialogue Professor Luc Montagnier studies and research regarding AIDS virus venturing into issues with great potential for variability and concealment. Also included this dialogue and philosophical nature of teacher research by revealing its current knowledge about life, unknown, hypothetical, certainty of medicine.
Guests of honor. The eveniment to participat: Domnul George On Christophides, President of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Mr. Philippe Gustin, French Ambassador in Bucharest, Kalliopi Doamna AVRAAM, Cyprus Ambassador to Bucharest.
Simultaneously, event brought together over 800 participants, representatives of the medical sphere, cultural environment, scientific and business, national and international. The event included a moment of artistic offered Philharmonic "George Enescu" Romanian Athens followed by welcome speech of Mr. Andrei Dumitriu, Director General of the Romanian Athenaeum, Mr. Philippe Gustin speech, French Ambassador in Bucharest, who made a raid upon the medical career of Professor Luc Montagnier, intervention session ended with a message to Mr George On Christophides who spoke under the aegis of UNESCO Global Ethics Romanian project which is Magellan moment.
Meeting with Professor Luc Montagnier in Romania ended on Wednesday, 19 September 2012 by visiting the Institute “Matei Bals”. Within this, Nobel laureate had the opportunity to know the work of the Institute and to discuss with researchers in Bucharest and in the country.


Alumnus Club is an organization created in the year 2000, that gathers for more than a decade and a half members from 10 countries.
Alumnus Club is part of the Romanian federation of UNESCO Associations and Clubs, and implicitly of the World and European Federations for UNESCO. The club is formed mainly by young students, and its aim is to offer its members the opportunity to get involved in projects aimed at developing their experience in the selected field of study.
Through its UNESCO affiliation, the Alumnus Club has access to an important network of information regarding the activities developed in domains such as education, science, culture and communication.
The main purpose of the organization is that of training young people in a multicultural manner, through projects that aim at involving them in activities that encourage their personal initiative and experience gaining.
In 20 years of activity, Alumnus Club has offered its members and the participants in its events the occasion to engage in educational, scientific, cultural and communication projects.
Below, you may find a non exhaustive list of annual events: Metamorphoses, Youth and Museums, Art and Civilization in Monastic Spaces, Magellan and the new project developed under the auspices of the Alliance of Civilizations: Bucharest retrieved, the concerts of the National Chamber Choir Madrigal.

ALUMNUS Club was founded in 2000 and consists of young people across the 10 countries.
The Alumnus Club is part of the Romanian Federation of Associations and Clubs for UNESCO.
The club wants to offer its members opportunities to become involved in educational projects, Scientific, cultural and communication.
ALUMNUS Club aims to prepare young people in a multicultural spirit and to involve them in activities that help them in personal and professional development.