Arts and culture are essential to fostering dialogue and formation of conscience on issues of society in the spirit of cultural diversity. Developments in the field of art and culture is so essential components to strengthen agreements between Asia and Europe. The proposed project will meet the overall objective of the program by initiating ,developing and promoting a high level of dialogue between Asia and Europe, starting craftsmanship and the best experiences of Asia, then continuing with rich cultural objectives of Romania.
The project in question will bring together two ancient civilizations and contribute to a better understanding and knowledge of the people and culture, protecting and promoting cultural heritage, which is one of the highest priorities of Asia-Europe cooperation program and also one of the priorities of the project itself.
The project will promote multiculturalism, diversity, cultural cohesion, those in Europe and represents a key point and will contribute , also, industry development ,creativity, heritage and education about the art of Romania, thus defining a common topic and relevant stakeholder dialogues in the Asia-Europe project , for the year 2012. Acest proiect reprezinta totodata o parte a activitatilor dedicate aniversarii celor 40 years of the "Convention on the natural and cultural heritage of the world."