On 4 December, 2024, UNESCO organized an online meeting between UNESCO Commissions and UNESCO Clubs and Associations.
The meeting was very well received, taking into account the very large number of participants, fish 200 by non-governmental organizations and national commissions.
In the presentation made by Mrs. Daniela Popescu, president of the Alumnus Club, regarding the Romanian Federation, it was mentioned that there is a new leadership, a new Steering Committee, which is led by a personality of Romanian music: lady Alina Mavrodin Vasiliu.
Romanian organizations were also reviewed, who have been and are active in FRACU and who are preparing large-scale events on an international level.
It was also emphasized that in those 25 for years of activity of the Romanian federation, the UNESCO events took place in good collaboration with the Romanian Commission.
They were also reviewed 3-4 world youth events, organized this year by the Kazakhstan federation, where the Alumnus Club sent its participants.
Taking his word for it, Stefana Greavu mentioned among others:
Alumni Club go celebrate in 2025, 25 years of uninterrupted activity among young people. I would not be able to review the hundreds of organized events; I would like to stop now only on the recent ones, events organized by the World Federation, with the participation of the representatives of the national federations. Between 12 – 14 august 2024, The Alumnus Club through medical student Rares Lile was present in Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN, where the 3rd edition of the International UNESCO Model took place with the theme "Ethics of using artificial intelligence in education", event organized by WFUCA in cooperation with the National Federation of Kazakhstan
Our colleague participated in this educational event, where participants play the role of representatives of UNESCO member states, simulating meetings that take place within the organization.
Pic2 The project co-financed by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund (AFCN), it was a novel initiative to bring theater and painting together, through some workshops that were held within SOS Children's Villages Cisnădie, an institution that provides parental support to children.
A few weeks ago, the prize-giving ceremony of the International Youth Festival "Planet Artei - 2024" took place at the Unesco headquarters., dedicated to UNESCO World Heritage . National Federation of Clubs of Kazakhstan for UNESCO, in partnership with the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations were the hosts of this great event.
The festival gathered young people aged between 3 and 18 years 34 of countries to showcase their creativity in categories such as painting, Photos, sculpture and decorative art. The objectives of the festival focused on raising awareness of the protection and sustainability of cultural and natural diversity through art, honoring young talents regardless of background.Young people proposed by the Alumnus Club from the smallest participant of 3 years up to 16 or, guided by teacher Elena Stoica, they were invited and awarded, here, UNESCO.
“Youth and museums” is an international conference organized in recent years 16 years in Romania or Europe with the aim of raising awareness among young people about cultural heritage and the participation of museums in the formation of the young generation. This year we met again at the Casa Romantei museum at the edition no. 16 on the occasion of the Romance Festival “Golden chrysanthemum”from Targoviste.
Year 2025 will bring us the celebration of a quarter of a century through educational activities, scientific and cultural and many more, many partnerships between us and other international clubs or federations. Because I am a medical student, I proposed first aid lessons in isolated villages in Romania and an international conference on telemedicine together with my colleagues from the Republic of Moldova from Chisinau.
We will develop youth partnerships with Tunisia, Greece, France, Moldova to name a few of them.
I said present through the Romanian Federation and at the First Global Youth Forum of Associations and Clubs for UNESCO to be held in Almaty (Kazakhstan) on 19 and 20 February 2025. In a word, 2025 you will find us active, with a new site and more.
Secretary General of the French Commission, dl. Alexandre Navarro, in his closing speech he appreciated the special collaboration he has and had with the Romanian Federation and the European Federation, hoping for a fruitful collaboration in the future.