Organizers: Romanian National Commission for UNESCO
Romanian Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO
Alumnus Club for UNESCO
Primăria Sectorului 2, Complex for recreational and educational activities
„Sf. Pantelimon "
Romanian Federation of Associations, Centrelor şi Cluburilor pentru UNESCO (FRACCU) organizes, annual, Symposium Art and civilization Romanian monastic spaces. Scopul nobil al acestei acţiuni este acela de a asigura spaţiu pentru un dialog interecumenic care să facă cunoscută istoria bisericii, as it was written, highlighting its value so that future generations will believe in it.
Tema smpozionuluii, for the V edition this year, a fost Founders of Churches and Monasteries.
The symposium was held in a generous: Complex for recreational and educational activities „Sf. Panteleimon " provided by the City District 2 close to the Church Marcuta, monument istoric.
The symposium was opened by Mrs.. Daniela Popescu, președinte FEACU. An intervention had a resonance Mrs.. Paula James, founding president FRACCU, highlighting the cultural heritage existing monastic institutions concluded: "Look back with pride…”.
Prof.dr.Ioan Opriș, President of the National Committee for Research and Documentation in museology "Radu Florescu" moderated symposium presented papers in which not only aroused the interest of the audience but also the diversity of topics presented by the information provided.
In two years, symposium was attended by some famous personalities: dr. Mihaela Varga, Vice FRACCU, Anca Filoteanu, Paula Romanescu, Monahia Elena Simionovici, Monahia Gabriela dish, Elena Armenescu, dr.Crina Bocşan, Vice FRACCU, Eliza Roha, George Stanca, Victoria Milescu, Dana Ardelea, Poor Silvia, And Milici, secretary general FRACCU, Virginia Mehedi, Vice FRACCU, Ana Maria Negoiţă, care au adus, the work presented, informaţii de o certă valoare.