Aniversare Eugen Ionescu
Between 23-27 November 2009, CNR UNESCO, FRACCU by Alumnus Club organized in Slatina River CJCPCTC together with a program of events called: ”Days Eugen Ionescu ".
County Library "Ion Minulescu" hosted the symposium "Eugen Ionescu – first hundred years”, among those present being one philosopher Elijah Roşianu, Dana graphic Calinescu, County Library Director Paul Matiu.
Expert Daniela Popescu, CNR UNESCO representative at events and president of the Alumnus Club, brought to the fore in history anniversaries UNESCO Communication, and part of the writer's early work, appeared in the college magazine "St. Sava "from the time. These novel materials described in Slatina part of the collection of Mr. Adrian Rusu, Rudolf Foundation member Schweiter-Cumpăna, FRACCU partner.
Under this program was launched and publication "Remember Eugene Ionesco", made by the National Commission of Romania for UNESCO in collaboration with the International Foundation "Mihai Eminescu", FRACCU partner.
Also, County Library hosted an exhibition of photographs inspired by the work of Ionescu under the title : "Photo – Spellings Essay ".
All days of the week dedicated to Slatina great writer ended with theater, hosted by the festivities hall of the “Ion Minulescu” National College. The "Podul" student theater presented Ionescu's play "Nu", and Company Art "Studio 24" staged "Speaking of neighbors', an adaptation by celebrated playwright texts.