Dâmboviţa County Council
Targoviste Municipality
County Library "Ion Heliade Radulescu" Dâmboviţa
ED Center Mumbai
Pro Caragiale and CO
Guests of the event are outstanding representatives of prestigious universities in the country and abroad, who have provided generous collaboration, understanding the significance of such national events held, with other professionals and musicians are in a constant dialogue with their own artistic affirmation. The anniversary was celebrated UNESCO ILCaragiale worldwide in 2002, when they reached 150 anniversary of the birth of the great artist.Alaturi of UNESCO, Government stated that year “Year Caragiale actions and events that took place constitute the national “Year 2002 – Caragiale year But what are birthdays UNESCO? With that come in addition to a regular birthday? They contribute to the mutual enrichment of cultures and helps to promote international understanding among Member States. This is why since 1956 UNESCO participates in commemorations of historical events and homage to great personalities of world culture, giving them visibility of the planet. Anniversaries should be Semicentenary, centenary centenary multiple personalities and to refer to the universal value. Wishing every year to increase Romania's contribution to world culture, CNR UNESCO has sent proposals for events and personalities in our country every bienium, homage to the anniversary UNESCO ILCaragiale nationwide this year 2012, cand se implinesc 100 anniversary of the death of the playwright. And the great Google search engine introduced in all limbilein 30 January, new logo that pay homage to the anniversary of 160 anniversary of the birth of the great writer and playwright IL. Caragiale. Caragiale's bust overlaps word “Google”, suggesting a calligraphy pen, the box which leaves an envelope (allusion to “A Lost Letter”.) Dramaturg, fictionist, pamphleteer, political commentator, journalist and theater director, Member of the Romanian Academy posthumously ILCaragiale humor and satire remains standard Romanian. Deserved reputation playwright such dedications? No doubt the answer is yes and also exemplary. Many masters of pen in our country, proclaim over the world, would be entitled to remembrance but, are sometimes only remember birthdays round. We want to congratulate your idea initiated by these days in Targoviste and Haimanale, this symposium under the arch of Roman literature exceptional destiny.