The Bucharest we find and in which we find ourselves
VIP , author Serban CIONOFF
24 October 2014
We know, Bucharest? And, in fact, we recognize, us in this our Bucharest, the everyday? A Bucharest which celebrated 555 years after his first documentary attestation and, yet, a Bucharest that always remains young, a Bucharest that has, inca, many, unsuspected surprises in the chronicle and song of his ages.
Here are some questions I asked myself visiting the exhibition “Bucharest found. Metamorphoses VI ”,organized by the Alumnius Club for UNESCO and hosted in the hospitable space of the Metropolis Center. "Exhibition" is, may be, little said. I'm rather inclined to say "a flower of images", of plastic intuitions of the moment lived and recorded on the film by George Dumitriu, a master photographer with special grace, conquering and convincing. Actually, we are not at the first meeting with this inspired chronicler of the moment, because we meet his works, either at the "Carturesti" Bookstore, or at the "Mihail Sadoveanu" Metropolitan Library. But, this time, reunited in an exhibition, they also acquire, in their turn, transmit, a very special message.
Message that Daniela Popescu, president of the Alumnus Club, rheumatizes him in this inspired formula: "" Bucharest found "means, among others, and the rediscovery by each generation of the places in the capital full of history and charm. ”
History and charm that I found seeing and revisiting, this time with the eyes of the soul,Ion Mincu House or the Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Sfantul Gheorghe Nou Church or Central School , Vlad Tepes Castle or Basarab Passage, Bucur Ciobanul Church or Museum of Contemporary Art. And I have to confess, without inconvenience, that the forgotten poems that each encounter with these superb immortalizations of the moment awakens have as their theme the special angle from which the artist captures his themes. Because every photo has an ascending perspective, suggesting, inspirat, always ascending meaning, upwards, of the historical destiny of the Citadel of Bucur.
Visit, Dear friends, the exhibition “Bucharest found. Metamorphoses VI ”si, surely, you will agree with me. And because, undoubtedly, after visiting the exhibition, you will agree with me, you can prolong emotions and daydreaming by browsing, in tihna, the pages of the album "Bucharest found", in which George Dumitriu's photos are accompanied by sensitive and solidly documented comments by Mihaela Varga.
And, because I started these notations by mentioning the anniversary context of the exhibition event - the fulfillment of 555 years since the first attestation of Bucharest- , profit circumstance to mark another anniversary: fulfillment of 15 years since the creation of the Alumnus Club for UNESCO.
Therefore, a double anniversary and, also, a happy opportunity to find Bucharest and find ourselves, U.S, through it. Through this always young Bucharest of ours, of all…