Alumnus current exhibition organized by UNESCO CLUB, as the first event on the occasion of 15 years after its creation, is the same concerns on line, objectives chosen by renowned photographer George Dumitriu are those that attend them assiduously young Bucharest, such as library or library Cărtureşti Sadoveanu, and other, who are not too popular, but could arouse interest, especially that are newly and beautifully restored. "Bucharest found" means, inter alia, and rediscovery by each generation of the paramount places full of history and charm, said Daniela Popescu, President of the organization.
The "Bucharest, found - Metamorphosis VI ", in which is conducted the exhibition addresses, first of all, young, and Romanian and foreign tourists who visit Bucharest, placing them with an album through which they can learn quickly and easily (album was published in 3 languages, texts in accessible language and information presented in historical perspective, and tourism) Bucharest on a glamorous and stories, undiscovered places that make you fall in love with him. The texts of the album is signed by art historian Mihaela Varga.
The "Bucharest, found - Metamorphosis VI "is a cultural initiative Alumnus Club for UNESCO and the European Federation of Clubs, UNESCO Centres and Associations, ArCuB funded under the Culture Programme Bucharest 555. Project supported by the National Commission for UNESCO Romania, DanaArt Metropolis Centre and Gallery.