We wish to inform you that today, 12 august 2012, The United Nations celebrates International Youth Day by illustrating projects and events organized by associations globally. All initiatives Celebrations Today you can view on the global map of events:http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/unyin/iyd2012.html – Our organization, Alumnus UNESCO Club was the one selected to represent Romania in the day by […]
Cultural and scientific dialogue Professor Luc Montagnier - Academician Solomon Marcus Bucharest, 20 September 2012. Alumnus UNESCO CLUB FOUNDATION SPANDUGINO with organized during 17 – 19 September 2012 TIME MAGELLAN pilot project event, What was the invitation to Romania Nobel Laureate for Medicine, Professor Luc Montagnier, to enter […]
The symposium 10.00-10.45 Open Reverend Ambrose, Bishop Giurgiului Protos. Mihail Muscariu, Comana Monastery Daniela Popescu, President FRACCU Av. Paula James, Founding President of FRACCU anniversary: Comana 550 years Minirecital poetry - Actress Doina Ghiţescu, Romania club UNESCO Dr. Poor Silvia, Alumnus Club for UNESCO 10.45-11.15 Coffee break 11.15-13.30 Session […]
Between 28 November - 2 December 2012, Federatia Roman a Asociatiilor, Centres and UNESCO Clubs organize the 3rd Congress of the European Federation of Associations, UNESCO Clubs and Centres, event are expected to attend over 30 countries around the world. In this international meeting are invited community members […]