Monday, 18 March 2013, at 18:00, will take place at Elite Academy Street Art Gallery No. 15, exhibition “Neurophysiologic – Opera of Shaping” signed Bogdan Lascar, Alumnus Club member for UNESCO. Bogdan Lascar is part of the special artists are more popular abroad than at home. […]
World federation of UNESCO clubs, centres and associations (WFUCA) World Federation, UNESCO Clubs and Centres (FMACU) World Federation, centers and UNESCO clubs (FMACU) 33rd ORDINARY SESSION OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD OF WFUCA AND INTERNATIONAL UNESCO DAY GLOBAL ETHICS IN LUCCA/FIRENZE, ITALY 8th – 13th MARCH 2013 […]
Fundația și Editura SPANDUGINO împreună cu Federația Română a Asociațiilor, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO, by alumnus CLUB, launched in January 2012 Dating in your library project, which aims to give due weight and give extensive mentoring institution, intercultural dialogue and recovery of memory. These monthly meetings with outstanding figures of Romanian culture and spirituality of young models propose […]