Anniversary Eugen Ionescu From 23-27 November 2009, CNR UNESCO, FRACCU by Alumnus Club organized in Slatina River CJCPCTC together with a program of events called: "Days of Eugene Ionesco". County Library "Ion Minulescu" symposium hosted "Eugen Ionescu – first hundred years ", among those present being one philosopher Elijah Roşianu, Dana graphic […]
The event consisted of: Photo exhibition prepared by Franck Vogel Bernadett Plageman French Roman poetry evening held by Adeline Smith, Sorbonne III exhibition of Romanian-French bilingual book with a selection of stories about the years Sorbonne students Yulia Haşdeu (materials were prepared by UNESCO Association Iulia Haşdeu)
Project: Traces of Forgotten Ancestors - ANULTINERETULUI EU-CHINA Date of event 7 may 2011 Location Beijing Exhibition graphics and presentation ANNA Ravliuc clothing collection at the 12th EU-China summit, held in Nanjing in November 2009, was designated 2011 as “EU-China Year of Youth "in order to continue promoting and deepening partnership […]
Between 9-14 December 2011, Minorities Days event was held in Bucharest. Activities at the event: MMAS round on "Cultural Perspectives - partnerships between the Department for Interethnic Relations and UNESCO"; pPrezentarea project "Minorities Alley", conducted by the National Village Museum "Dimitrie Gusti"; lLansarea book "interethnic coexistence and multiculturalism in Dobrogea - Atmagea, a […]