Alumnus Club for UNESCO one CENTRUL CULTURAL UNESCO “Ionel Perlea” Slobozia, Ialomita au deosebita placere de a va invita la prezentarea expozitiei de design vestimentar contemporan FUTURE FOLK, signed by designer Carmen Emanuela Popa, in the day of 1 We 2018, hours 16:30, at the institution Blvd. Matei Basarab, No.. 26, Slobozia.

Alumnus Club UNESCO and UNESCO CULTURAL CENTER “Ionel Perlea” Slobozia, Ialomita have the pleasure to invite you to the presentation of contemporary fashion design exhibition FUTURE FOLK, signed by designer Carmen Emanuela Popa, in the day of 1 We 2018, hours 16:30, at the institution Blvd. Matei Basarab, No.. 26, Slobozia.