Exhibition “Cantemir description” hosted by ICR Istanbul

Thursday, 2 April hours 19:00, held in Musurus Pasha Mansion, Romanian Cultural Institute “Dimitrie Cantemir” the Istanbul, exhibition opening “Cantemir description”. Exhibition, consisting of 16 works in mixed technique, is performed under the dome architect Mugur Kreiss European Federation of Associations, UNESCO Clubs and Centres (EFUCA). The event is organized by the Alliance of Civilizations by Alumnus Club for UNESCO and the Romanian Cultural Institute.
Based on the famous portrait scholar, musician and politician, Mugur Kreiss suggested by the artist 16 the many facets of his personality works Dimitrie Cantemir. Panels 50×50, made in mixed technique, containing collages of two major works of the great Romanian scholar, “Description of Moldova” and “History of the Growth and Decay of the Ottoman Empire”. Exhibition, carried out in 2014, is a tribute to his encyclopedic personality Dimitrie Cantemir in 300 anniversary of the first lines of bedding scholar at the two works, made during 1714-1716.
The exhibition is open until May 30 April 2015.