Madrigal Concert: We celebrate the European Day of Languages
RESOURCES, ROMANIA, author Cleopatra Lorintiu
In a world of things made unfortunately cute cute, without depth and pointless, to be "ticked", demonstrating a great attachment to the mindset that we repudiated but keep them untouched, coming events organized by UNESCO Clubs in partnership with ARCUM, Bucharest City Hall and National Library with a concert of the National Chamber Choir Madrigal fully supports the Alliance of Civilizations marking the European Day of Languages and demonstrates several things: că manifestările pot fi profunde, interesante şi de calitate în acelaşi timp, atingând acea strună nevăzută din inimile noastre care ne întoarce spre profunzime, artă şi puritate.
Să nu-mi luaţi în nume de rău această introducere: lately when witnessing high quality artistic events I can not help noticing master, I somehow manifest. That happened and the lucky spectators in the National Library exceptional space. On the outside, building reminds us of a trouble in the past ( major demolition…) Inside fills us with hope for the future.
And now something about the show: A "Madrigal" rejuvenated under the leadership of conductor remarkable Anna Ungureanu. (Poate ştiţi sau nu dar Corul Naţional de Cameră MADRIGAL face parte de mai bine de 20 de ani din Patrimoniul Universal UNESCO. Statutul i-a fost conferit în 1992, la Paris.)Tot din programul de sală mai desprindem ideea că la împlinirea a 50 years of, in 2013 George Enescu International Festival time Madrigal 50, president of the Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO in Europe and North America EFUCA, Daniela Popescu, gave this band UNESCO Diploma and Trophy "50 years of excellence in universal musical heritage."
Same great voices, a passionate young conductor, perfectionist in everything, soloists brand, an atmosphere that impresses. Well chosen repertoire: while attractive and refined. In "cara mia Maton" Orlando di Lasso for we remembered the period in which Marin Constantin created this artistic gem also .For Da Palestrina (The vague flowers). But the show was built so as to honor as many languages in which the songs were written texts. High fineness, interpretarea din "One day I was going" to Giaches Wert sau "Fatta la parte" (Juan del Encina). In part two, skip several centuries and here we are in contemporary music. The work of several contemporary Romanian composers were performed by an exceptional manner. So I loop the work of Tudor Jarda "Take Me", with sonuri Transylvania and disturbing harmonic refinements, then "Ritual for thirst Earth" Myriam Marbe, who at the time of its release was a real culture shock. Written 1968, this complex work, which intertwines ritualicul, Romanian archetype and accents dodecaphonic, songwriter released her brave Romanian composers elite (Myriam Marbé (n. 9 April 1931, Bucharest – d. 25 December 1997, Bucharest) was a Romanian composer and pianist, one of the most valuable international contemporary music composer. He taught composition and counterpoint composition class at the National University of Music in Bucharest , was a valuable musicologist). Mihai Moldovan (1937 – 1981) with whose friendship of those years I am proud today, Madrigal was present in the program with "whistles and horns" Romanian fantasy escapes the human voice as archetypal in nature and reflect a superb atmosphere, Story, emotion, de celebrate. And Mihai Moldovan was the most successful songwriter in the wider world than in Romania, in which he lived and quenched to 44 years but those who love music and composing Romanian undoubtedly remember this spirit unpaired, nonconformist, original, in constant battle with time constraints and applauded many meridians. Finally Adrian Pop (n. 1951) continuer musical tradition of great value, composer found shelter lights press today, one of our great national values. În Clujul său natal, domnul Adrian Pop este o certitudine a marii culturi muzicale în România indiferent de vremi. Madriagalul i-a onorat repertorul cu „Vine hulpe” un foc de artificii de muzică şi limbă, de-a frumuseţe înspumată şi într-o interpetare foarte frumoasă.
It was the show Madrigal (contributed by Elite Art Club UNESCO, Alumnus Club for UNESCO , National Commission for UNESCO) artistic and real joy when we recall that composers, friends, Romanian art world inspiring quality.
ELITE ART Club UNESCO, Alumnus Club in partnership with UNESCO and the European Federation of Clubs, UNESCO Centres and Associations, under the auspices of the Alliance of Civilizations, Madrigal Choir concert held on the European Day of Languages, Wednesday, 24 September 2014, from the library National, Sala Atrium.
26 September was proclaimed European Day of Languages at the end of the European Year of Languages, the Council of Europe, with the objective of encouraging the learning of foreign languages in Europe. Linguistic diversity is the key to better intercultural communication and is one of the main elements of the continent's rich cultural capital, why the Council of Europe encourages multilingualism in Europe.