Between 28-29 June 2017, between hours 10.00 – 16.00, PARTICIPATION IN THE 7TH PETRE OPREA SYMPOSIUM – PARTICIPATION IN THE 7TH PETRE OPREA SYMPOSIUM, the administrative building took place the la al InII-lea Symposium "Peter Oprea" de istoria artei româneşti.
PARTICIPATION IN THE 7TH PETRE OPREA SYMPOSIUM 2012 by the Federation of Romanian Associations, UNESCO Centers and Clubs in memory of the art historian and critic Petre Oprea (1928-2011), Symposium was supported from the very beginning by the Romanian National Committee - International Council of Museums (ICOM), Society of Art Collectors from Romania and, especially, National Village Museum "Dimitrie Gusti", totodată gazdă a manifestării. During the symposium, historians and art critics gave presentations, muzeografi, mobile property experts accredited by the Ministry of Culture, artists, collectors and other categories concerned with the arts phenomenonand Romanian, trecute şi actuale.

Like every year, the aim of the organizers was to continue the complex approach to the history of Romanian plastic art, iniţiată de Petre Oprea, cel care a introdus în cercetarea domeniului studierea sistematică a colecţionismului de artă, a grupărilor artistice, a sistemului de burse pentru artişti, a comerţului de artă, a istoriei criticii de artă şi multe alte teme nestudiate anterior.
Among the topics addressed this year, we mention collecting art in the interwar period, shipowners' homes in Brăila, the archive of the architect Paul Smărandescu, the photographic archive of art historian Petre Oprea, presentations and analyzes ofthe creation of some painters, Romanian graphic artists and architects, the analysis of memoirs and fictional creation from the publications of art historians and collectors.
Mrs. Daniela Popescu also participated in the symposium, president ALUMNUS Club for UNESCO.
On 28.07.2018 the participants took part in the opening of al 3 th Intermediate Congress of the European Federation of Associations, Clubs and Centers for UNESCO that took place during the FUTURE FOLK exhibition opened in the National Museum of Dimitrie Gusti Village.
The organizers of the event were: dr. Oana Marinache, dr. Mihaela Varga – Vice;edition ALUMNUS CLUB for UNESCO