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    REPORT Alumnus Club UNESCO 2013 Activities for cultural and natural heritage of your library Meetings 15 January 2013 Cantacuzino Palace, Bucharest Foundation Publishing Spandugino with Romanian Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO, by alumnus CLUB, launched in January 2012 Dating in your library project, which aims to give importance […]




Alumnus Club for UNESCO

Activităţi dedicate patrimoniului cultural şi natural

Dating in your library

15 January 2013

Cantacuzino Palace, Bucharest




Foundation Publishing Spandugino with Romanian Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO, by ALUMNUS CLUB, launched in January 2012 project Dating in your library, which aims to give due weight and give extensive mentoring institution, intercultural dialogue and recovery of memory. These monthly meetings with outstanding figures of Romanian culture and spirituality of young models offer valuable mentoring institution which often lack.

In the second year of existence Project Dating in your library, sm wanted to expand the aesthetic interest from music to literature by making medallions Romanian composer of contemporary creation.


Event Program has three parts which combined music and poetry as follows:

I. Laudatio Mihai Eminescu - Academician. Solomon Marcus, prof. univ. Dr. Mihai Dinu, prof. univ. Dr. Mihai Zamfir, CD writer Zeletin;

II. Medallion composer - a mythological bestiary, on. 133, work for violin and piano by composer Dan Dediu, in interpreting Ms Valentina Sandu-Dediu (soon) Diana is a dnei Mos (violin). Musical creation contains six parts (Grifon, Unicorn, Mandragora, Sphinx, Hipogrif, Dragon) and poster presentation will be accompanied by, composer Dan Dediu, rector of the National University of Music Bucharest;

III. Divine Harmony choir recital, dirijor Marius Firca, which contained six songs on poems by Mihai Eminescu.

The event was attended by iconic figures of our culture today, Members of the Romanian Academy, cadre Universitäre give şi tineri brave.




"The universal language of music and art for a global ethic"

8-13 March 2013

Luca-Florenta, Italy

Interview by Ms. Daniela Popescu, President of the European Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO (FEACU) Alumnus Club for UNESCO and Italian newspaper La Nazionale about the work of UNESCO clubs in Europe.


interview Daniela Popescu
Bogdan Lascar

Bogdan Lascar_2







Gallery Elite Art in La luna Martie 2013 opened the exhibition "Neurophysiologic — Opera of Shaping” signed by the artist Bogdan Lascar. The large paintings and film projections in the proposed exhibition, this illustrious own concept, innovator, the neuro-physiological culture, advocating for "a spiritual level grinding based on the relationship between cultural, spiritual and object” says Bogdan Lascar.

Bogdan Lascăr, Alumnus Club member for UNESCO, part of the special category of artists who are more known abroad than at home. Awarded 2005 Athens Gold Medal UNESCO, was the first Romanian who managed to sell a work by auction house Christie's, as in 2011 to impose on the international stage two exhibitions in the Arab world, la Dubai şi Abu Dhabi.

"Negation, fortuitous inserted into word, reprehensible impulses move at the opposite notion, of violence and enemy obstinately. Deloc orthodox, under reported lingvistic, voluntarism interpretation takes to mobilize neural physiology redemptive utopia. Postulated rather poetic, - For, lo, hit between artistic dreaming tools, neurophysiology scalpel divides not only, implacable, not remain a prisoner of the analysis itself. Symbolism body also contains a possible vector, lead to struggles in deep, bearing striking new configurations. " (And Hăulică)

The exhibition was organized by the UNESCO Club Alumnus, Elite Art Galleries.

Bogdan Lascar_3




Dr visits Romania. Dominique Rueff

15-20 April 2013



Under UNESCO auspices CNR, Alumnus Club for UNESCO in partnership with Spandugino held in Bucharest in September 2012 visiting Professor Luc Montagnier, Nobel Laureate for Medicine (2008), in the project "When Magellan"That is the Romanian contribution to the program"Global Ethics – Save the Planet Earth”, initiated by the World Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO.

The second event of this project was to invite our country during 15-20 April 2013 a prof. dr. Dominique Rueff – President of the Association for the development of medicine ortomolecular (Fox), President of Chronimed and close collaborator of Professor Luc Montagnier. He is the author of ten books of medicine nutritionist, Oncology, Orthomolecular Nutrition, homeopathy or phytotherapy including Spandugino Publishing will release two papers during 15-20 April 2013: “More than cure. Benefits of integrative medicine ", preface by Luc Montagnier, the carte deployment integrative medicine, and "Imunoslăbire. The weight loss according to our food intolerances and glycemic control”, a paper on therapy to prevent and eliminate excess weight.

On this occasion inaugurated Spandugino Collection Medical Publisher, On that occasion will also launch three books: Luc Montagnier – “Battles life. It is better to prevent than to treat”, Helga Rohr - "Steps into the light. Why advocate for the rights of patients with dementia " and Judith Albertat „Boala Lyme. My way to retrieve health”.





YOUth and MUSEkilled

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Between 13 – 15 June 2013, Alumnus Club with UNESCO National Commission for UNESCO, Arges County Council, Museum of Viticulture and fruit Goleşti, Romanian National Commission for UNESCO, held at the Goleşti Fifth International Conference UNESCO Youth and Museums.

Cultural education plays a fundamental role in shaping Europe's younger generation; it is the key to sustainable development of a society-based communication, exchange of ideas and values, the tolerantei.

Museum - the core of research and reflection and, both, space for meeting and dialogue - preserve artifacts of material culture, thereby mediating public access to non-material dimensions of culture. Artistic values, spiritual and can thus be shared identity especially young.

Beyond the scientific activities – de conserve you study- European museum institution is called to respond today more than ever the challenges posed so impressive cultural diversity of youth, and the many offers on the market competitive alternative.
In this context raises two key questions: how they can attract a young audience and museum space as he can maintain the loyalty of the public?

The "Youth and museums" under the aegis of World and European Federation of Associations, UNESCO Clubs and Centres suggests some answers to these questions. Given the complexity of this event, This year's theme is divided into the following subtopics:

-Intercultural education activities for young people, in museums;

-Museum programs for youth - Information, form, leisure;

-Ethnographic Museums Outdoors - foray into the world of archaic communities. Panel: Ethics in museums. Coordinates value in museum ethics.

The event, specialists participated in ethnographic, Museology, Education and members of the European Federation of UNESCO Clubs: Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Cameroon, China, France, Italy, Mexico, Holland, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Spain, Ukraine, Turkey, Romania.

In the event, were inaugurated three exhibitions:

-Petre Grant, father of the modern poster Romania and descendant of the family Golescu;

-Items restored in the Museum Goleşti, during 2012 – 2013

-Young and museums, traveling exhibition of drawing artistic documentary by National University of Arts Bucharest,

In 14 June a.c., XII will be released volume of the journal MUSEUM, Studies and Scientific,

On 15 June, the guests enjoy authentic cultural experience, Gales visiting Village Museum, the oldest museum in the country village.





Passport for Global Ethics


Between 12-15 July 2013 Beijing hosted the Forum Asia - Europe, UNESCO first event entirely dedicated to issues as complex and ongoing ethics education - GLOBAL ETHICS -, Our main hosts are, National Federation Commission for UNESCO Clubs and Associations in China.

GLOBAL ETHICS is a comprehensive program developed by the World Federation of Associations, UNESCO Clubs and Centres in order to create a platform for dialogue and innovation in all areas for the younger generations, which in the future will build a world where the profound human, respect, morality, integrity of each individual, must be respected, they stand at the new company. So, UNESCO effort of civil society, Acting as a squad, will be the impetus for positive change tomorrow.

The event and the meeting with Deputy Minister of Education, Chairman of the UNESCO in China, Mr. Hao Ping, was released Passport for Global Ethics, an innovative document, advocating for the formation of a new generation of moral conduct in the future. Daniela Popescu was spokeswoman Club Alumnus young - originators of the idea - and those from Europe, presenting the message they wanted to convey UNESCO officials, especially young people from around the world.

Passport for Global Ethics


This document created especially for the young generation, symbol of the values ​​that UNESCO wants to give young people through various programs and platforms that support intercultural dialogue, was a success in the international conference "Global Ethics - Save the Planet Earth", Khazahstan the capital - Astana. this initiative was agreed by all parties to the UNESCO clubs around the world, proposing that it be implemented worldwide.

It is known that, performance and professionalism are created identity of tomorrow, but these values ​​to be transmitted a document was needed to stimulate innovative behavior young generation : Passport for Global Ethics.

This was confirmed by the Director General of UNESCO, doamna Irina Bokova, who thanked Romania for this initiative.


Also, during the General Conference held in Paris in November 2013, National Education Minister and president of the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO Mr. Remus PRICOPI, presented delegates from over 200 the countries of this document was provided to each party represented in.

Passport for Global Ethics_2

UNESCO and the private sector

Simpozion International – S.N.S.P.A

Roundtable at the University of South - East LIGHT

19 September 2013

Thursday, 19 September 2013, Alumnus Club for UNESCO, National School of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA), European Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO, a organizat simpozionul internaţional Passport for Global Ethics – UNESCO and the Private Sector.

The event, the participation: George Christophides, President of the World Federation of Associations, Centres and UNESCO Clubs, Daniela Popescu, President of the European Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO, conf. univ. dr. Liliana Popescu, rector SNSPA, conf. univ. dr. Florina Pînzaru, Dean of the Faculty of Management at SNSPA, experti romani din si straini Belarus, Cyprus, Russia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Serbia up Sleeping, members of academia and civil society, and representatives of the business environment in Romania.

The event was opened by the Minister of National Education, Mr. Remus Pricopie which highlighted the major role played by UNESCO in the landscape of international socio-educational. He expressed support for the initiative of the Romanian institutional and staff to create a passport for Global Ethics.

The symposium provided a platform for open debate in order to identify and define a strategy in order to initiate or strengthen relations between UNESCO and the private sector. Participants at the symposium presented their personal and institutional perspectives, where the resulting need to establish effective and open dialogue between UNESCO and the private sector, in order to develop initiatives and projects with a positive impact on the medium and long term educational aspects, scientific, cultural, Economice şi social.

The financial crisis has resulted in a crisis of funding sources, developing solutions are represented by a series of steps that must be applied simultaneously: an increased presence in the media; projects sharper and better defined; promoting private sponsors; launch information campaigns, etc. You must keep a balance between the need for sponsorship and ethical principles that UNESCO promotes.

In the Round Table held at the University of South-East attended by representatives from 9 countries of the European Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO and the University Executive Board Light was revealed interconnections between private education and basic principles of UNESCO.

UNESCO and the private sector SNSPA 2013




Executive Board

Greek domain.,

Bucharest, September 2013

Between 20 – 21 September 2013 Alumnus Club for UNESCO organized the Greek domain, the work of the Executive Council of the European Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO.

Executive board meeting brought together representatives teeth following countries: Belarus, Cyprus, Russian Federation, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Sleeping up SUA. The meeting was chaired by Ms. Daniela Popescu, according to the federation president. Simultaneously, I could not not mention the presence at this important event of the president of the World Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO, domnul George Christophides.

At this summit were discussed a number of important aspects of the federation, were proposed programs and actions designed to support and promote intercultural dialogue, respect for human rights, supporting disadvantaged, women's issues, etc..

Participants, UNESCO senior officials received the Alumnus Club Romania and the European Federation, Passport for Global Ethics, UNESCO community innovative document presented by our country since the Forum Asia - Europe 12 – 15 iulie la Beijing.

Executive Council wanted to celebrate the special day 21 September, worldwide designated as "International Day of Peace", through an open letter to UNESCO civil society. Document highlights the important historical aspects of the ongoing struggle of humanity for peace, while stressing the importance and role UNESCO plays, now, in promoting and sustaining peace, a subject so delicate these days.

Executive Board Septembrie 2013





The metamorphosisBetween 30 September - 6 October 2013 the Poiana Braşov, Ethnic Traditions to camp out METAMORFOZE V - European Orasul, Alumnus Club event organized by UNESCO, European Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO, with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Government of Romania - Department for Interethnic Relations.

The project in 2013 continuing series of creative workshops and international camps metamorphosis, started in 2009, dedicated creating a virtual European identity through youth, see different aspects: cultural, etnice, scientific, artistic etc.

Now in its 5th edition, Metamorphosis project had as main objective the development of a platform for intercultural dialogue between young ethnic minority in Romania and young majority, all integrated into a unified work team which aims to develop, through creative workshops, fragmentary work capable of playing video at, semantic și simbolic, cultural characteristics of each ethnic group participating. Finally, results were incorporated into a common work, which was presented for one week the exhibition opened in Bucharest, work that has played, through visual speech, manner in which the younger generation is reported and imagines space European identity in the context of ethnic pluridialogului.

It was also completed, submitted and posted on youtube movie Metamorphosis V – European City.

Metamorfoze V Orasul European





Art and civilization monastic space

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“Founder of Churches and Monasteries”

BUCHAREST, October 2013


Complex for recreational and educational activities Sf. Panteleimon "Hall sector 2 of Road. Pantelimon nr.301 the gazduit, Thursday, 17 October, 2013, the V edition of the National Symposium "Art and Civilization in Romanian monastic spaces”, organized by Federation Romanian Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO (FRACCU), CNR UNESCO, in partnership with the Club Alumnus.

We visited the church Marcuta, monument istoric, Complex situated near, one of the oldest churches in Bucharest, has been preserved to this day in a form close to the initial.

The official opening being made in the presence of ladies Paula James, founding president FRACCU, Daniela Popescu, President of the European Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO (FEACU) and Alumnus Club for UNESCO and Mrs. Virginia Méhes, FRACCU vice president and principal organizer of the event.

Artist Doina Ghițescu minirecital held a religious poetry in opening, then, communication session was moderated by prof.dr.Ioan Opriș.

This year, Paper presented at the symposium on the topic of Founders of churches and monasteries.


Symposium on Art and Civilization V Ed monastic spaces


Alumnus Club is an organization created in the year 2000, that gathers for more than a decade and a half members from 10 countries.
Alumnus Club is part of the Romanian federation of UNESCO Associations and Clubs, and implicitly of the World and European Federations for UNESCO. The club is formed mainly by young students, and its aim is to offer its members the opportunity to get involved in projects aimed at developing their experience in the selected field of study.
Through its UNESCO affiliation, the Alumnus Club has access to an important network of information regarding the activities developed in domains such as education, science, culture and communication.
The main purpose of the organization is that of training young people in a multicultural manner, through projects that aim at involving them in activities that encourage their personal initiative and experience gaining.
In 20 years of activity, Alumnus Club has offered its members and the participants in its events the occasion to engage in educational, scientific, cultural and communication projects.
Below, you may find a non exhaustive list of annual events: Metamorphoses, Youth and Museums, Art and Civilization in Monastic Spaces, Magellan and the new project developed under the auspices of the Alliance of Civilizations: Bucharest retrieved, the concerts of the National Chamber Choir Madrigal.

ALUMNUS Club was founded in 2000 and consists of young people across the 10 countries.
The Alumnus Club is part of the Romanian Federation of Associations and Clubs for UNESCO.
The club wants to offer its members opportunities to become involved in educational projects, Scientific, cultural and communication.
ALUMNUS Club aims to prepare young people in a multicultural spirit and to involve them in activities that help them in personal and professional development.