- Alumnus Club for UNESCO
Alumnus Club for UNESCO, governmental organization established in 2000, currently has representatives in 10 countries, has as members the vast majority, young, its purpose is to make available to its members as many ways to get involved in projects and initiatives included in education, science, Culture and Communication. Training young people in a humanistic spirit, multicultural, main goal of the organization, is pursued through projects aimed at involving them in activities that support personal and professional development by gaining experience.
ALUMNUS CLUB conducted and organized in collaboration with UNESCO projects among which tradition: Youth and Museums and Metamorphosis.
- History Alumnus Club for UNESCO
- Organization's status in the General Assembly approved the establishment of 30 March 2000, held at the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO.
- Organization Founding Congress of the European Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO (FEACU).
- yourself partnership with France (Action Export 2000) participation in the meeting of European youth clubs, Barcelona, Spain.
- participation in the international conference "Intercultural dialogue and human rights in the new century", Limassol, Cyprus, 2001
- partnership with "Saint Stelian" in which a group of volunteers organized English courses, French, science and civics children from disadvantaged families.
- Symposium Young people from Mediterranean, organized by UNESCO Centre of Florence, Italy.
- participate in the first seminar on the Balkan Deconstructing Balkan Stereotypes, Athens, Greece.
- project initiation Cultural Exchange with Lithuanian Youth, Bucharest, Romania.
- participation in World Youth Forum, Krakow, Poland, 2002
- exhibition "Pro Memoria", Marilena painter of Murariu, Prague, Czech, 2002
- organization of the second workshop on Balkan Deconstructing Balkan Stereotypes, Brasov, Romania.
- participation in meetings organized by the UNESCO World Youth, Paris, France
- participation in the World Conference of NGOs, Paris, France
- participation in commemorative ceremonies on the occasion of 60 anniversary of the landing in Normandy, France.
- Meeting youth participation in European clubs UNESCO, Paris, France.
- participation in the exchange of experience between clubs UNESCO in Romania, Balchik, Bulgaria.
- attendance at the General Conference held at UNESCO, Paris, France
- Romanian-Greek roundtable on women's issues in the Balkans, Paris, France
- participate in the conference organized by UNESCO entitled Poverty Eradication, Paris, France
- Attending the conference SEPECO entitled Solidarity-Enterprise, Paris, France
- organizing the symposium French influence in the communist Romania, Mumbai, Romania
- participation in UNESCO General Conference, Paris, France
- participation in the World Conference of NGOs, UNESCO, Paris, France
- Alumnus CLUB chairmanship election of the Executive Council of the World Federation of UNESCO clubs, Athens, Greece
- exhibition "La Roumanie Accueillante", Sorbonne, France.
- volunteer camp organizer Culture memories (restoration of synagogues), Fagaras, Romania.
- organize photo exhibition (author Christian Binder) entitled Synagogues of Southern Transylvania: concept and Documentation – Julie Dawson (YOUR), Bucharest, Romania.
- Symposium Local property management Bucharest, Romania
- Events dedicated a decade of activity Romanian Federation, Bucharest, Romania
- participation in National History Colloquium, Bucharest, Romania
- Coordinator roundtable "A Heart as a country" dedicated to the personality of Queen Mary, Bucharest, Romania
- international symposium: „Social transformation in Balkan countries, multiculturalism and intercultural dialogue ", Burgas, Bulgaria
- attendance at meetings of the Executive Council of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
- presenting the projects Youth and Museums and Metamorphosis as examples of good practice in the General Conference in Paris, France
- partner of the event dedicated to children institutionalized, Bucharest, Romania
- Bureau official opening of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs – region to Europe and North America, Athens, Greece
- participation in the Executive Council of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Library of Alexandria, Egypt
- Event Coordinator: "Bucharest, mon amour "organized for the Days of Bucharest, Bucharest
- UNESCO World anniversary: "Eugen Ionescu", Slatina, Romania
- continuation of the project Youth and Museums, Bucharest, Romania
- end of the partnership with the City of Tergnier and project organization Metamorphosis Picardie region, France
- photo exhibition "European Identity Woman", Tergnier, Franta
- "Souvenir of Bucharest" – Bucharest City Celebration, in collaboration with the Municipality of Bucharest.
- Romanian-Iraqi exchange for UNESCO, Delta, Romania.
- participation of the XXVIII meeting of the Executive Council of the World Federation of UNESCO clubs, Beijing, China.
- International Conference "Global immigration and recent trends», Limassol, Cyprus.
- Painting exhibition "Brasov: people, places, identity "by Christian Binder, Casa Friedrich Schiller Bucureşti, Romania
- Organizing projects Youth and Museums and Metamorphosis , Edition III , Bucharest, Romania
- Show dedicated Children's Day, Art Gallery of Bucharest, Romania
- Participation in Regional Seminar on " Gender Equality and Media “ , Thessaloniki , Greece
- Event Organization: ANNA RAVLIUC: "Traces Forgotten Ancestors" - exhibition of graphics and presentation clothing collection inspired by Romanian folk motifs, Beijing , China
- Participation in the International Gaudeamus Fair - Book and Education, and. the XVIII , Bucharest, Romania
- Romanian-Japanese partnership on the study on the restoration of monasteries in Romania, Bucharest, Romania
- Organizing the third edition of the symposium "Art and Civilization spaces Romanian monarchs . Natural and cultural heritage " , Comana , Romania
- Event Organization "Minorities in Bucharest Days" , Bucharest, Romania
- Representation of Romania to the European Federation Congress of Clubs (FEACU) for UNESCO, Geneva , Switzerland
- Representation of Romania to the Congress of the World Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO, Hanoi , Vietnam
- Representation of Romania to UNESCO clubs meeting on the theme of UNESCO World Heritage, Torino, Italy
- Participation in the UNESCO Conference XXXVI , Paris , France
- Romania representation First Forum Clubs for UNESCO, Almati, Kazahkstan
Activitate ALUMNUS CLUB pentru UNESCO 2012
- Ø Activităţi pentru tineret
- Ø Activităţi dedicate patrimoniului cultural şi natural
- Ø Activităţi dedicate minorităţilor naţionale
- Ø Reprezentări naţionale şi internaţionale
- Ø Aniversări UNESCO
Activitcomplicatedţi pentru Tineret
Ziua Internaţională a Tineretului
Pe data de 12 august 2012, Sistemul Naţiunilor Unite a celebrat Ziua Internaţională a Tineretului prin ilustrarea de proiecte şi evenimente organizate de asociaţii la nivel global. Organizaţia noastră, ALUMNUS CLUB pentru UNESCO a fost cea selectată pentru a reprezenta România prin proiecte cu tradiţie pe care le desfaşoară în fiecare an: Youth and Museums precum şi Metamorphosis. Pentru mai multe informaţii despre iniţiativele noastre, You can access the following pages:
- http://www.youthandmuseums.org
- https://www.facebook.com/pages/YOUth-and-MUSEums/337926056291307?ref=ts
- http://www.facebook.com/pages/Project-Metamorphosis-space-for-European-Identity/261685880535542?ref=ts
- http://projetmetamorphoses.wordpress.com /
Date of: 28-30 June 2012
Location: Museum Goleşti
Cultural education plays a key role in training young European generation, being key to the development of a society that is based on communication and exchange of ideas and values. Situated what the IV edition , project Youth and Museums 2012, under the aegis of the Romanian Federation Cluburior , UNESCO Centres and Associations, Romanian National Commission for UNESCO and conducted by alumnus CLUB, sought to further strengthen relations between young audiences and the cultural institutions. To this end, project aims to answer questions about the issues that:
- The importance of museums in civil society
- The role and importance of the event ” White Night of Museums “
- Creating a global network of museums under the coordination of UNESCO
- Create museums devoted entirely to children
Participating countries: France, Italy, Republic of Moldova, Greece, Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, China, Japan, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Syria, Lebanon, Romania
Project Partners: Magic FM , Kiss FM , Romania News , Romania International, Antenna 1 Pitesti , Absolut TV , TV News , Journal of Arges , Userlist , TOP , Arges Arges County Council with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Romania.
Metamorphosis, Fourth Edition – a
This year, project Metamorphosis was part of the activities organized on the occasion of the 3-Congress of the European Federation of Associations, UNESCO Clubs and Centres. The event consisted in meeting young team Alumnus who occupied the achievement assemblies films that were made in previous years editions. Also, At this congress, young people were busy achieving European Federation anthem that was presented at a ceremony at Parliament House A life dedicated to UNESCO.
v Activităţi dedicate patrimoniului cultural şi natural
World Heritage Convention, Cultural and Natural on 40th anniversary
Data: 19 June 2012 Place: The National Village Museum “Dimitrie Gusti”, Bucharest Convention on the Protection of World Heritage, Cultural and Natural Heritage was adopted at the seventeenth session of the General Conference of United Nations Educational, Science and Culture, meeting in Paris in November 1972.Scopul birth of this convention was to “establish an effective system of collective protection of the cultural and natural heritage of outstanding universal value, organized in a permanent form by modern scientific methods”. At this meeting were invited to participate, besides Romanian specialists, three specialists, in this area, Japan: prof. Takashi Hara, prof. Kenichiro Hidaka the prof. Masahito Yoshida. |
Organizers: Romanian National Commission for UNESCO , The National Village Museum
“Dimitrie Gusti”,Romanian Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO
(FRACCU) , Alumnus Club for UNESCO.
NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM project space monastic art and civilization ROMANIAN, Fourth Edition
Data : 4-7 October 2012
Location : Comana
Between 4-7 October 2012, in Comana , symposium held at its fourth edition “Art and civilization monastic spaces ROMANIAN“, symposium focused on ” Convent Museum “. The event was attended by representatives of the Romanian Federation of Associations, UNESCO Clubs and Centres and representatives of the Orthodox Church, writers, poets and doctors. In the first part of the symposium , main topic of discussion was the relationship between the museum "as representative of the culture" and monastery "as a genuine representative of the heart of Orthodox spirituality" and how monasteries can modernize to attract as many visitors .
Prof.. dr. John Opriş, President of the National Committee for Research and Documentation in museology "Radu Florescu", who moderated the conduct of the first part, said " is recommended for churches to make museums, preserving culture and history and, also, to make known its history and to highlight its value “ . Therefor, it is necessary that people in museums to return history as it was written. As a solution to these problems, Dr. Mihaela Varga , Vice FRACCU and alumnus CLUB, brought into question by the theme "Contemporary art museum collections and enrich monastery" , "Organizing art camps" that can enrich monasteries paintings art collections, sculpture, Contemporary tapestry "perpetuating the traditional relationship, so beneficial, between church and art.
v Activităţi dedicate minorităţilor naţionale
Panel: Schimb de idei și perspective de colaborare între reprezentanţii tineretului minoritar și majoritar din ţară și străinătate.
Data: 29 November 2012
Location: Palatul Parlamentului, Bucharest
The 18 December 1992 Adunarea Generală a ONU a adoptat Declaraţia cu privire la drepturile persoanelor apartinând minorităţilor naţionale, etnice, lingvistice şi religioase, first international document that provides a guarantee of the rights of minorities in the general human rights, statement joined by dozens of countries around the world . In the workshop held in Parliament House have considered the following aspects:
- UNESCO civil society's contribution to the preservation and enhancement of European cultural variety, multiculturalism as unity in diversity; examples of good practice;
- exchange of ideas and perspectives of collaboration between representatives of minority and majority youth in the country and abroad.
- identifying the role, actions and perspectives of the European Federation in strengthening global ethics program with the launch of Global Ethics of the World Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO
v Reprezentări naţionale şi internaţionale
The Third European Congress of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO
Data : 28 November - 2 December 2012
Location: Palatul Parlamentului , Bucharest, Romania
At the end of 2012 took place at the III Congress of the European Association, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO, event which was aimed at promoting the ideals, UNESCO's objectives and programs in the spirit of international şisolidarităţii, in areas such as human rights, democracy, culture, education, natural and cultural heritage. In this important international meetings were organized the following activities :
- Round Table: CULTURAL DIVERSITY Europe's wealth
- MINORITY-MAJORITY debate on the premises of the Romanian Parliament, with the invited representatives of UNESCO Clubs in Europe and North America, along with representatives of national minorities in Romania
- Election of the new Executive Board of the European Federation of Associations, UNESCO Clubs and Centres for a period of 4 or
- International Dialogue on Global Ethics Project to establish a bridge between public opinion and public policy , by organizing activities that influence governments and societies to eliminate current and future risks , What can cause additional tension in civilizations around the world.
After voting session, Mrs. Daniela Popescu was elected as President of Federation of Associations, Centres and UNESCO Clubs in the Europe and North America (FEACU).
Participating countries: Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Colombia, Cyprus, Switzerland, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Moldavia, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Holland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine.
Partners : Inn's Inn, Elle Traveland, Charismatique, Elite Club UNESCO, Cellar Murfatlar. Spandugino Foundation, Caddy Agapitos, Inspiring Visuals Group, Volvo , Hotel IBIS.
Romanian contribution to the program GLOBAL ETHICS
initiated by the World Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO
Cultural and scientific dialogue Professor Luc Montagnier - Academician Solomon Marcus
Data : 17-19 September 2012
Location : Romanian Athenaeum , Bucharest , Romania
Project Magellan moment arises through the harmonious between science , Culture and Education and wants to respond to the changes that occur in economic sectors , social ,cultural and environment by strengthening national systems in a network to promote ethics. Event of this pilot project was organized during 17-19 September 2012 , event was to invite in Romania Nobel Laureate in Medicine , Professor Luc Montagnier , which came in a cultural dialogue – Marcus Solomon scientific academician . The project, which will run over 4 or ( 2012 – 2016 ) aims :
- launching a creative approach by punearea the scientific and cultural heritage national and European .
- bringing to the discussion table aceeiaşi relevant actors in academia , scientific institutes , cultural , in government and non – governmental , in order to promote intercultural dialogue and exchange of best practices .
The event was attended by Mr George Christophides On, President of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Mr. Philippe Gustin, French Ambassador in Bucharest, Kalliopi Doamna AVRAAM, Cyprus Ambassador to Bucharest , bringing a total number of 800 participants, representatives of the medical sphere, cultural environment, scientific and business, national and international.
Activities conducted under the aegis of Project Magellan moment 2012
1. The signing of the cooperation protocol between “Magellan Initiative Group Moment ” National Institute of Infectious Diseases ” Matthew Balas
2. Signing of Memorandum of Cooperation between the World Federation of Clubs , UNESCO Centres and Associations, Romanian Federation of Clubs, Centres and UNESCO Associations and the National School of Political and Administrative Studies
3. International Presentation Project Magellan Observatory Time Inter-cultural Creative Education ( Kazakhstan ) Lunch – Tradiţii Etice şi Morale : provocările referitoare it educarea Tineretului
Observatorul UNESCO (Lunch) punishes accentul pe educarea creative trans-culturală şi învăţarea artelor specifice diverselor culturi din ţările Asiei Centrale. Mai mult of 70 of filosofi , academicieni ,Artisti , reprezentanţi ai şi afaceri comunităţilor of the instituţiilor societăţilor civile au-s întalnit în cadrul Colocviului Internaţional organizat în Almaty , Kazakhstan pe 21-22 September 2012 pentru to argue problemele predării morale , eticii şi comunicării interculturale ,educării Tineretului şi cu moştenirii culturale împreună experţii UNESCO. Participants discussed issues related to social responsibility practice Kazakhstan taking into account the enhancement of the multicultural and multi-ethnic.
4. International Presentation Project Magellan Moment UNESCO Center for Women and Peace in the Balkans, Thessaloniki, Greece
Time Magellan Project was presented at UNESCO Center for Women and Peace in the Balkans , organization that advocates for the benefits of women and actively disseminating the United Nations resolutions relating to the promotion of peace, human rights , promoting women and increase their participation in development . The presentation was focused on the following topics : promoting respect for human life and culture of peace, dignity of women, freedom, Justice, solidarity, tolerance and democracy .
5 . Academic perspectives between Romania and Japan
Academic network project developed by Tsukuba University is one of the initiatives taken by the University to promote the international development of human resources in science and society . The main objective of this program is to stimulate the circulation of researchers and students from Europe and Japan to enhance mutual understanding regarding issues of identity and cultural diversity, cultural transformation , etc .
Euro-Asia Academic Network aims to develop a partnership with international universities to form a working group of researchers , students and academics . This project also wants to organize international seminars, symposia , exchanges between students , video conferencing. Also facilitates the publication of research articles by experts in various fields .
6. Heart Project – Athens 2012
The second event in this project was to engage in HeaRT EU CONFERENCE on HEALTH JOURNALISM held between 15-17 October 2012 Athens, Greece . The event was organized by the Institute of Preventive Medicine , Environmental and Occupational Health Prolepsis . The main topics discussed at the conference made reference to how health information available to the public ,creating a platform dedicated to the public online communication , learning a new healthy lifestyle and balanced , awareness of medical ethics , regarded as a discipline necessary to achieve professional status in the practice of medicine.
Organizers: Spandugino Foundation
Partner: Alumnus Club for UNESCO
7. Days of Sciences Institute of Infectious Diseases Prof. dr. Matei Bals
Between 17 and 20 October 2012 , at Rin Grand Hotel, Bucharest , held the 8th edition of the Days of the Institute for Infectious Diseases Science Prof. dr. Matei Bals .
Project “Magellan moment of Medicine ” UNESCO initiated Alumnus Club, with Spandugino Foundation is Romanian contribution to the Global Ethics , thus wishing to launch a creative businesses to identify cultural heritage and national and European scientific. One of the goals of this program is to encourage collaboration within the scientific and clinical research and to facilitate cooperation between scientists at universities , between research institutions and among medical communities in Romania and worldwide .
v Aniversări UNESCO
Symposium I. The. Caragiale 100 the years from itsn pantheon of European culture
The event reinforced the idea that the force satirical works great playwright permanently an inexhaustible field of study for professionals and enthusiasts Caragiale's works. UNESCO Anniversary I.L. Caragiale was celebrated all over the world 2002, when they reached 150 anniversary of the birth of the great artist.
Anivesările UNESCO contribute to the mutual enrichment of cultures and help promote international understanding among Member States. This is why since 1956 UNESCO participates in commemorations of historical events and homage to great personalities of world culture, giving them visibility of the planet.
Wishing every year to increase Romania's contribution to world culture, CNR UNESCO has sent proposals for events and personalities in our country, homage to the anniversary UNESCO ILCaragiale nationally and in 2012, when they reached 100 anniversary of the death of the playwright.
Organizers: Targoviste Municipality Dâmboviţa County Council County Library "Ion Radulescu Heliade" ED Dâmboviţa Center Targoviste
Pro Caragiale.
A life dedicated to UNESCO
On the evening of 29 November 2012 held at Parliament House ceremony entitled“A life dedicated to UNESCO” - In which the ceremony was celebrated seven personalities from around the world, who have dedicated their lives to promoting the ideals, UNESCO's objectives and programs :
- Sorin Dumitrescu, UNESCO Paris
- Marialuisa String , Italian Federation of Associations, UNESCO Clubs and Centres
- Jean Baptiste de Weck , Swiss Federation of Associations, UNESCO Clubs and Centres
- Albert Rutter , UNESCO Club of Malta
- Andre Zweyacker , French Federation of Associations, UNESCO Clubs and Centres
- Eiji Hattori , Honorary President of the World Federation of Associations, UNESCO Clubs and Centres
- Paula James, Founding President of the Romanian Federation of Associations, Centres and UNESCO Clubs Plaque offered “A life dedicated to UNESCO” by the sculptor Elena Surdu Stanescu is the expression recognition, UNESCO senior civil society, serving the lofty ideals of humanity. Seniors celebrate the ceremony A life dedicated to UNESCO were handed Floral Creations company Charismatique, as a sign of vitality which comes to reinforce age-old values, such is the beauty or good, always values that young man will always remain attached .
At the event held a concert given by the National Chamber Choir Madrigal-best World Heritage Site.
Book launch:
Centenary George Emil Palade – Family chrestomathy
event included in the events dedicated
UNESCO Anniversary: George Emil Palade - 100 anniversary of the birth of the great scientist
Data : 18 October 2012
Location : Cantacuzino Palace, Bucharest
Organizers: Spandugino Foundation
Partners: Alumnus Club for UNESCO
v The activities of 2013
National Day of Culture: Mihai Eminescu, 15 January 2013, Bucharest
International Conference"The universal language of music and art for a global ethics.", Lucca, Florence, Italy, 8-13 March 2013
"Youth and museums - the V edition", 13-15 June 2013, Emptying, Romania
"Metamorphosis - edition-V-a"
UNESCO and the private sector, 3-6 September 2013, Bucharest
VIII UNESCO Youth Forum, Paris
Art and Civilization in Romanian monastic spaces, Drobeta Turnu Severin, 3-6 October 2013
Executive Board of the European Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Port, 18-22 September 2013
Concert dedicated to the National Day of Romania, 1 December 2013
Dr. Daniela Popescu,
President of the European Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO
President Alumnus Club for UNESCO
About us
http://www.youthandmuseums.org / alumnus