Youth projects and museums
Date of 25-29 MORE 2011
To celebrate the 20 years of, National Museum Cotroceni was co-organizer and host project YOUTH AND MUSEUMS 2011. The event was under the auspices World Federation of the Romanian and Clubs, UNESCO Centres and Associations, was held in collaboration with Alumnus Club actions aimed at promoting the exchange of educational strategies and methods between the institutions participating in this, in order to develop joint programs in museums. So, project envisages the sustainable development of European youth awareness and respect for heritage values come- şi interregional, as a means of understanding and preservation of their national identity, spiritual and cultural. The project aims to answer the following questions:
- As Isi may Museum attracts a young audience?
- How can menþholds its fidelity?
Dintrele topics covered in the third edition of the project, remember:
- Cum se poate exprima într-un muzeu identitatea europeană?
- Muzeele de istorie: mission, objectives, strategy
- Programe și proiecte culturale în politica de management și marketing cultural în contextul economic actual
- Noi tendințe în activitatea de conservare și restaurare.
Participating countries: Bulgaria, Serbia, Egypt, Italy, Mexico, Germany, Franta, Japan, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, Holland, Belgium, Russia, China, Vatican. Were present, also, and representatives from UNESCO and Council of Europe.
Project Partners: APA NEW, Traveland, Ray RomâInternational mania,, Home, ŞapteSeri, AGERPRES, Rom ChronicleâMiss, Countryside holidays, Time.
All of the project took place on Friday, 27May the Parliament Palace artist Nicolae supported humanitarian show Voiculeţ : “Give HOPE”.