Between 4-6 October 2018, Alumnus Club UNESCO will organize in Bucharest a training for young people on the knowledge of the cultural history and heritage of national minorities in Romania. The training will take place at the headquarters of the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO and will bring together young Romanians and representatives of national minorities, which will be guided by specialized trainers and lecturers, with relevant experience both in training young people, as well as in the realization of interethnic projects, educational and cultural. The event is part of a comprehensive cultural project, entitled “Discover the multicultural heritage of your city!”, initiated by Alumnus and co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration.
Training has a theoretical and a practical dimension. So, after training seminars on the history and peculiarities of multicultural heritage, will follow an exercise of practical use of the knowledge gained by young people: a case study on the topic Bucharest, multicultural city. The action will consist in documenting and exploring the representative heritage objectives for the national minorities in the Capital, visits to museums and headquarters of minority organizations. The result of the two stages will be a guide to the multicultural heritage of Bucharest, in small format, developed by and addressed to young people. It will include both elements of material heritage, as well as a series of intangible heritage elements. The combination of the two dimensions aims to provide an interesting and modern image of the Romanian Capital, which has always been a cosmopolitan city, a mix of cultures, a city on which influences from all the cardinal points have left their mark. guide, which will be accessible in both print format, as well as electronically, it will be an original contribution, unique in the direction of knowing the cultural heritage of Romania and especially of the Capital.
Official launch of the printed guide Bucharest, multicultural city will take place in November, in the presence of a significant number of young people, of project partners and the media. The page dedicated to the project and the mobile phone application will also be launched, made by Alumnus, which will guide young people to visit sights and experience routes that define the Capital as a city with a valuable and rich multicultural heritage.
Bucharest, old center
of intercultural dialogue
Metamorphosis X
Come with us through Bucharest, through neighborhoods and streets old with the city, in a journey through time that will take you through communities settled here over the centuries, through places of worship of different denominations that coexist on the same street, among the statues of illustrious men who built, edifice with edifice and story after story, our living and cosmopolitan metropolis.
We hope to convince you that the beauty of our city lies in the details, in unexpected connections, in the openness which he proved unceasingly to influences from the north or the south, is undressed.
Organizaţia noastră, Alumnus Club for UNESCO, invites you through the brochure Bucharest - multicultural city to look a little differently at the buildings you often pass by, pay attention to detail, discover the story behind each point drawn on the map. Always a language group puzzle, culture, traditions, different religions or denominations, our city was and remains an eclectic picture.
The initiative we bring to the public is also a new stage in the development of a larger and longer-lasting Alumnus program., entitled "Metamorphoses", this project being the 10th edition. "Metamorphoses" helps to strengthen young people's sense of belonging to a common European identity and promotes cultural exchanges and collaboration, thus strengthening the idea of a "tangible" European identity, based on unity in diversity.
Metamorphoses ”contributes to strengthening the sense of belonging of young people to a common European identity and promotes cultural exchanges and collaboration, thus strengthening the idea of a "tangible" European identity, based on unity in diversity.
The Bucharest - multicultural city brochure is the main component of the project “Discover the multicultural heritage of your city!”, co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration and made by Alumnus with the support of Karta Graphic Publishing House.
It is a cultural education project, aiming to make better known the heritage inherited by the historical ethnic groups, to contribute to the revitalization of this heritage and to its transmission to young people, with the tools they currently use.
Maybe Romanian and foreign tourists will feel closer to the digital dimension of our guide, using on their trip through Bucharest the website and the application developed and available for mobile phones. However, we do not claim to have made a strict practical guide to this purpose. We want to provide more information to those who are passionate about ethnic diversity, linguistic and cultural, of cultural tourism. We dedicate our initiative to the Centenary of the Union of 1 December 2018, Our national day.