Draft report of the meeting of European Busteni, Romania
17-18 February 2001
At the invitation of WFUCA and in cooperation with the working group appointed at the European meeting of November 1997, representatives of the Federations or coordinations Germany, Armenia, of Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Spain, from France, Greece, d'Italie, by Malte, Moldova, Poland, Portugal and Romania met the 17 to 18 February 2001 to study the statutes of the future European Federation of Associations, UNESCO Clubs and Centres (EFUCA).
Mrs. Paula and Mr. Jacob George Christophides were elected co-chairs of the meeting.
1. A broad debate was first opened on the organization of the meeting. The following views were expressed in the form of statements or questions.
members present are free to adopt the Regulation they want.
Is it necessary to follow the rules of AFUCA or WFUCA ?
What is the National Federation ?
Is this-that only active members of WFUCA will be entitled to attend and vote ?
Insofar as we have been invited, we have the right to vote.
If you do not give the right to vote for the discussion on the status, we can at least give it all for the discussion of the rules.
It is difficult for inviting participants without giving them the right to speak or vote.
In conclusion, it was decided that all present could vote for the discussion of the rules.
2 Participants were then elected a Credentials Committee. Were elected : Belarus, Spain, France, Malta and Moldova.
3 The Assembly then worked on the draft rules of procedure of the Constituent Assembly in studying the proposed amendments.
The amendment to Article 1 representatives on ” country ” or ” Active members of national federations WFUCA ” designating delegates was rejected. Representatives of each country has been able to take part in the drafting of internal regulations.
Given the results of the vote on the amendment to Article 1, amendment to Article 2 had lapsed.
Following the election of the two co-chairs of the meeting the amendment to Article 4 becoming as obsolete.
It was the same for the amendment to Article 10 since the quorum 10 active members was achieved.
The debate on the amendments to article 14.3 led to the following consensus : Election of Members of the Executive Council will be in the first round by an absolute majority, in the second round by a simple majority.
Regarding the amendment to Article 16, it was decided to discuss later.
The rules were then adopted.
4. Report of the Credentials Committee :
Committee members have reported to the Assembly most of their discussions focused on the club Porto and the Catalan Federation who are not active members of WFUCA for different reasons.
Port : a history was drawn attention to the existence, before 1993, a foundation that supported a center in Porto. After the closure of the Centre, Club took over and was authorized by the National Commission 1993. From, a dispute has been brought before the courts oppose the Club to the National Commission, dispute concerning the use of the name in the title of Porto Club. Recently a member of the Executive Council of WFUCA contacted the Portuguese National Commission to obtain the approval of the commission for the Club Porto can become an active member of WFUCA. The Commission wanted WFUCA await the outcome of the trial to accept the club Porto as an active member. The Credentials Committee, referring to the authorization 1993, decided that the club Porto could be admitted as a delegate to the Constituent Conference of the European Federation.
The case of the Catalan Federation was subsequently reported. The Catalan Federation left WFUCA since she was no longer a member of the Spanish Confederation. No letter of the National Commission authorizing the Catalan Federation to become an active member not having been produced, the Committee did not feel like having to accept delegated the Catalan Federation. It has been proposed to become an observer.
All other federations or coordinations were accepted as delegates. Forum Clubs German who announced his intention not to return in the future federation has not been admitted as a delegate and therefore could not vote on the draft statutes.
5 Discussion on the draft statutes of the EFUCA
The discussion on the draft statutes was held with delegates and observers. The main points discussed were focused on the following :
preamble : European Federation is considered a new regional branch WFUCA.
Article first (purposes and functions), section 1 : Justice and Technology have been added to the goals. Section 2 : it was clarified that the European mobility program should be developed in accordance with the ideals of UNESCO.
article 2 (seat) : it was clarified that the European Federation's head office in the country of the Executive Secretariat.
Article 3 (Member), section 1 : for active membership it was stated that Clubs, Associations or centers providing national representation, in the absence of competent National Federation, could be candidates for active.
Article 5 (General Meeting), section 4 : an important amendment was made to section h 4 (function of the General Assembly) ” Each member or group of active members may submit nominations for two different positions, the first candidate elected whichever. The nominees must be accepted by the delegation of their country. ”
Two points were added including one on the possibility of discharging its functions the office and the Executive Secretary.
Article 7 (secretariat) : point was added for the auditor and its functions.
Article 8 ( Conciliation Commission) : It was clarified that this body should be composed of 3 people and deleted that one of them should be chosen by the President.
Article 10 (procedure), section 1 : it was stated that the plenary sessions of the General Assembly should be constituted by a simple majority.;
In Section 2 it was stated that the decisions of the general meeting must be taken by an absolute majority.
Article 11 (finances) : it was added to the title ” and Heritage ” and a section was added on the concept.
In Section 1 (resources) : it was pointed out the possibility of receiving grants and donations from sponsors.
The statutes were then voted unanimously as presented in the appendix of this report.
6 Elections
[It lacks the rapporteur's report of the Nominations Committee and the minutes of tellers, However, we can now give the final results :]
President : M. George Christophides (Cyprus)
Vice-Presidents : Paula Jacob (Romania)
M. Juan Antonio Vera Casares (Spain)
M. Silvio de Matos (Portugal)
Executive Secretary : Daniela Popescu (Romania)
Treasurer : M. Jonh Maronitis (Greece)
Board members : M. Jean Lamotte (France) elected
Mme Jolanta Rostworowska (Poland) by right
Finally Marialuisa Stringa and Mrs. M. André Zweyacker were designated as Honorary Chairmen of the new Federation.