Between 10-11 October, Targoviste, former citadel of the Romanian Country and home printing, He held a symposium on "Art and Civilization in Romanian monastic spaces – Icon, Makers, mosaic ".
The event was organized by the National Commission of Romania for UNESCO and the Federation of Romanian Associations, Cluburilor și Centrelor pentru UNESCO (FRACCU), with the support of the Archdiocese of Targoviste and, not least, with the blessing and wearing of personal care I.P.S. dr. NIFON, Archbishop and Metropolitan of Targoviste, who was responsible for organizing and hosting an exceptional.
The ladies event was chaired by Daniela Popescu (President of the European Federation of Associations, Clubs and Club Alumnus Centrleor for UNESCO and UNESCO), Virginia Mehedi (President FRACCU) Alina Vasiliu Mavrodin – UNESCO Cultural Center "Casa Romantica" Targoviste.
Symposium, the opening of which was attended by Mr.. Mr. Prefect and Mayor of Dambovita Targoviste, It was conducted in the area full of history of Stelea Monastery, recently restored and reconsecrated in 10 September this year, and has enjoyed the participation of prestigious: Too Sfiinţitul MARC nemtean, auxiliary bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolis of Western and Southern Europe, acad. Constantin Bălăceanu – Stolnici, prof. univ. dr.Radu Vergatti, prof. univ. dr. Ioan Opris, pr. dr. Florin Serbanescu Patriarchal Counselor, pr. dr. Liviu Barbu, Romanian Orthodox Parish in Norwich, East Anglia, many people of culture.
It should be also highlighted, Mr. participation. prof. honor. univ. dr. George Coanda, istoric, writer, poet and literary critic, historian of culture and journalist, which was celebrated for the 80th anniversary, and for his prestigious activity and passion to The town home, Targoviste.
The works, high level of academic, They were held in the presence of a selected audience of clerics and monastic diocese. In the end they have organized guided tours in Monasteries star Dealu and hosts issued the invitation to the National Festival of Interpretation and Creation romantic Romanian "Golden Chrysanthemum", was this year at its 50th edition, to be held in Targoviste between 19-21 October, under the patronage of the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO.