Youth and Museums Project promotes the exchange of strategies and educational methods common between participating institutions , in order to develop joint educational programs to sensitize the young generation in promoting respect for heritage values inside and outside the regional, as a means of knowledge and preservation of their national identity, spiritual cultural.
The protection of indigenous cultural heritage and fostering mobilitatatii and intercultural dialogue between young people in educational museums, Open project decisively a sustainable perspective between the participating countries.
Another objective is cultural heritage of minorities by initiating and developing special programs for the younger generation, association with minorities in Romania.
Youth and museums in Romania is the only international conference dedicated to youth education in curatorial Domanial, which takes place annually in coordination Alumnus Club UNESCO patronage for Romanian and European Federation of Associations, UNESCO Clubs and Centres.
- 2009 – conference held at the National Village Museum in Bucharest D.Gusti. The topics addressed were : Types and objectives of youth educational programs in museums, art galleries and cultural organizations, said method, Youth educational strategies and technologies in museums – last, present and future. The conference was attended by representatives of 15 countries.
- 2010 – conference was held in Bucharest and had themes: New opportunities in education Museums (media, Web, cultural institutions etc.) . The material was shown by representatives of 12 countries
- 2011 – The event was hosted by Cotroceni Museum, is focussed: How can the museum expressing European identity. Representatives from France, Greece, Turkey, Moldavia, Holland, Germany, Serbia, Ukraine and Russia took part in this conference.
- 2012 – 2017 – The conference was held in the picturesque and hospitable space Viniculturii and fruit Golesti Museum, Arges. Annual themes discussed were highlighted MUSEUM – core research and reflection, on the one hand, and space for encounter and dialogue, on the other hand – preserving vestiges of material culture of all nations. It has been demonstrated that beyond the scientific activities (such as preserving, restoration and study), European museums are invited today to compete with alternative offers challenging for the young generation, and to meet the latest demands of a young man from culturally. In all these 7 years conference was attended by experts and young people from European countries. Moreover since 2016 It was partnered italianao-Roman under which this annual cultural program has two parts one taking place in Italy and one in Romania (2016 – Sicily / Golesti, 2017 – Carrara / Golesti)