The ambassadors of Israel in Romania and Czech Republic, and president of Hebrew community in Prague and many guests, held an exhibition of painter Romanian women Marilena Morariu.
Paintings, exposed in one of the most beautiful synagogues Prague, Jubilee Synagogue, the theme of Hebrew tombstones in the cemetery where the artist was born, some of them older than 200 years. I asked Marilena Morariu what caused it to paint just reasons Hebrew tombstones?
M.M.: I was lucky to be born in the north of Moldova, Hebrew community area with a very strong, where I grew up, I lived in the same yard with friends - some of them have migrated to Israel, others went to worlds can say ..., best ...
I'm returning after a few years, I went to Romanian cemetery in Harlem, to put flowers on the graves of my ancestors. I could not go along, where other cemetery – Hebrew, abandoned, singur – expect someone coming. I put each a stone tombs known I could, the artist, Plastic why not help but notice the beauty of the stone burial. I wanted to go back to a paper, with a pencil, with a black head and
me to write down some of those beautiful areas, somehow render them, give them life, to tell my friends that I am not alone, I have not forgotten, I'm here and I expect.
How did painting exhibition in Prague? who took the initiative for this exhibition and who supported her?
M.M.: I met with His Excellency, Domnul ambasador Gheorghe Tinca, to perfect an exhibition that projects recently and it was at Czech Center Bucharest: "Prague-Logbook", I opened it on 25 September here, in the beautiful rooms of our Embassy in Prague. Observed among landscapes one that caught my attention - the old synagogue in Prague - said: "What a beautiful, What a wonderful thing! I'll invite friends dein Prague to see the exhibition ". And then I told myself that much I'm passionate about another issue and I would really like to somehow highlight, to circulate, be seen. He also was extremely generous and made all possible efforts besides friends gentleman Prague, President of the Hebrew Community of Prague and others as generously gave me this wonderful space.
On the walls of the synagogue, including paintings forms and symbols of Hebrew tombstones – solar rosette, braided rope, tree of life, life scale, raised hands of blessing, lions that guard the tables of the law, candelabrum with seven branches (Menora) – were interspersed texts of poems in German, French, English, written in capital letters, black, on white. Their purpose was explained to us Daniela Popescu, the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO, one of the organizers of the exhibition:
D.P.: This time the artist proposes an unusual exhibition, plastic image alongside text written – poetry. The 31 Plastic works, artist name to join the five major Hebrew poets, born in interwar Romania, reference name for world literature. Marilena Morariu particularly significant works of their work known worldwide, transposing into lyrical language Hebrew people in the XX century tradition. As their work, five poets biography is dramatic and representative: Benjamin Fondane was assassinated 2 October 1944 în lagărul de la Auschwitz Birchenau, Hilary Voronca and Paul Celan committed suicide after the war nerezistînd its aftermath, Rose foreigners and Alfred Kittner the survivors camp in Transnistria. Poems of the five authors treat both tragedy Hebrew people, how much of this suffering and hope that it will be building a better world.
Exhibition PRO REPORT care, by Prague, It can be seen in London, New York and Jerusalem, was designed Marilena Morariu
"As a declaration of love for the Hebrew people, I hope that wars begin in the minds and in the minds of all people have built fortresses peace ".
According to official figures, of the above 850.000 The Hebrew who once lived in Romania, is now only a few thousand. Currently in Romania there are over 800 Hebrew cemeteries, of which 600 localities is not no Jew alive.